Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension

Use Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension to embed an interface for the Automation Anywhere platform in your Google Chrome browser.

Benefits and capabilities of Automation Co-Pilot (extensions)

Broader access to automations brought to your familiar environment
With Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension, you can develop custom actions and workflows. The OAuth 2.0 connection offers a seamless connection from the Automation Anywhere Control Room to your web browser. This connection extends automated features into your preferred environment through embedded web components. Develop these components in any web scenario through the use of Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension. Users with these components can launch automated processes and bots directly from existing environments, where most time is spent. With this access, business data can be retrieved and processed without ever changing applications.
Secure connection with admin control for organizing team and user workloads
Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension is fully integrated with Automation Anywhere for security and authorization of content. This means that the administrator has complete control over which content is made public through Automation Co-Pilot by assigning Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension content to teams. Content assigned to a team will become visible to the members of the team when the target pages are opened. With this control and organization, administrators can develop specialized components for specific team functions by empowering users with streamlined automation.
  • OAuth 2.0 Automation Workspace configuration: using secure credentials, configure a security token to validate your identity as a licensed user. Servers will recognize this token and approve your access, eliminating the need to log in multiple times to your accounts. Use AuthConfig App to enable OAuth2 services
  • Automation 360 v.26 or later
  • Google Chrome browser
  • Automation Co-Pilot licenses: Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension uses teams and members to securely authorize and deploy content to the right users.
  • Automation Co-Pilot fluency: administrators should be familiar with the environment in order to identify key elements used to map custom content to teams.
Additional considerations:
  • Roles: Ensure that you have the proper role and permissions for your activity. Users and roles for Automation Co-Pilot
  • Ensure that your browser is not blocking Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension access and windows.

Process flow

  1. To begin accessing features, set up and connect your Control Room to Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension. Set up and connect Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension
  2. Develop and embed content in your preferred application for Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension. Develop a widget for Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension
  3. Administer your developed content to teams for users to access through Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension. Provisioning Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension to users
  4. Get started using the embedded content through Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension. Deploy automations in web application