Learn how to use PEG to generate the keys and CSRs for you.


  1. Log in to PEG through ssh.
    If you do not log in as user named peguser, then ensure that you switch to the peguser per this command before performing these steps.

    sudo su - peguser

  2. If you already have a unique ID (UID) by Process Discovery, run the following command: echo "<UID>" > ~/.kudzu/appliance.txt, where UID is the unique ID that you were provided. If you do not have a UID, the next few steps will generate one for you.
  3. Run cd peg && ./peg_start.sh.
  4. Select Cluster management.

    select cluster management for generating keys

  5. Select Generate Certificate Requests.

    select generate certificate request

  6. Fill out the options that follow.
  7. Exit the menu.
  8. Please record the UID value that you see in the output of this command: cat ~/.kudzu/appliance.txt
    The CSRs are located in ~/peg/csr.
  9. Create certificates from those CSRs per Create certificates.
    The process to obtain certificates might vary depending on the work flow setup by your IT team.