You start installing the Automation Anywhere Control Room in the Linux environment and complete the installation in the Control Room.

This task applies to first-time installation and updates of Automation 360 On-Premises.

Note: The installation steps do not list any specific configurations or requirements and therefore your setup might be different. Automation Anywhere does not provide any warranties that the installation steps conform with your system configurations or requirements.

Keep in mind the following information:

  • Installing Control Room on Oracle Database is deprecated. Microsoft SQL Server is the only database type that is available when installing the Control Room.
  • Linux external key vault is not supported with On-Premises installation.


Ensure the following:

  • The Microsoft SQL Server database is installed and running.
  • The Automation 360 installation server is connected to the Microsoft SQL Server database. .
  • From Automation 360 Build 6463, ensure that Python 3.6 is installed.


  1. Verify the installation prerequisites.
    1. Verify the Automation 360 On-Premises prerequisites.
    2. Verify that the Microsoft SQL Server is running, and execute the following command:

      $ sudo systemctl status mssql-server

      If Microsoft SQL Server is not running, install it.

      For Microsoft SQL Server installation instructions, refer to Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 8. For more information see Quickstart: Install SQL Server.

      For version 7, change the paths to /rhel/7 instead of /rhel/8.

    3. Ensure the following files are available:
      • SSL certificate
      • License file
    4. Download the Automation360_el7_Build_<build_number>.bin installation file to the Linux server from A-People Downloads page (Login required).
      Note: We do not support updating to a patch release (updating between builds in the same Automation 360 release) on Linux. However, if you want to update to a most recent patch release, we recommend that you uninstall Automation 360 and perform a fresh install of the patch release.
    5. Verify that the installation server has internet access in order to update Linux kernel files and OS libraries using Yum updates.
      Alternatively, configure /etc/yum.conf on the installation server to use a Yum repository local to its network. The Yum repository must be up to date before you start the installation.
  2. Log in to the installation server.
  3. Run the installer command as a superuser from the Linux shell:
    1. $ sudo chmod +x Automation360_el7_Build_<build_number>.bin
    2. $ sudo ./Automation360_el7_Build_<build_number>.bin
    The installation wizard verifies the installation requirements and proceeds with the installation.
    • Enter the back command to return to a previous command step.
    • Press the return key to accept default values, or enter an alternate value and then press the return key.
  4. To accept the license agreement, enter Y.
  5. In the Transport Layer Security (TLS) screen, configure the following:
    1. Control Room HTTP Port (Default: 80)
    2. Control Room HTTPS Port (Default: 443)
    3. To enable the Self Signed Certificate, enter 1 to enable, or enter 2 to disable.
      When you disable this option, you can install custom certificates.
      1. Enter the certificate path.
      2. Enter the certificate password.
      3. Use Intermediate Certificates: Enter 1 to enable, or enter 2 to disable.

        When you enable this option, enter the intermediate certificates path in the Enter path to Intermediate Certificates .zip File option to install the intermediate certificates.

    4. To force HTTP traffic to HTTPS, enter 1 to disable it, or enter 2 to enable it.
  6. In the Cluster Configuration screen, enter 1 to disable it, or enter 2 to enable it.
    • If you choose to enable cluster configuration, enter the IP addresses of the cluster nodes. Use a comma (,) to specify more than one IP address. Do not add space between IP addresses. For example:,,
    • The repository location should be a shared location accessible from all Control Room nodes in the cluster.
    • Ensure that you select the IP address that is used to communicate with other nodes of the Control Room.
  7. In the Database Type screen, select Microsoft SQL Server server.
  8. In the Service Startup Options screen, select one of the following options:
    • Default (Start All Services): Enables all Control Room services to automatically run at startup.
    • Custom (Choose Startup Options): Enables you to select the Control Room services that you want to automatically run at startup. All the services will be installed on the device. However, only the selected services will automatically run at startup. If required, you can manually start the services that were set to Manual.

      For each service, select one of the following options:

      • Automatic: Enables to automatically run the selected service at startup.
      • Manual: Enables to manually enable the selected service when required.
    • Depending on the database type you selected, some services might not be available for selection as some of the services might not yet be supported for the selected database type.
    • For those services that you do not include to run at startup when installing the Automation 360 On-Premises Control Room, a products.notinstalled file is created in the config files directory that you can open using a text editor. This file includes the name of the services that were not selected when installing the Automation 360 On-Premises Control Room. For information about the directory structure, see Installed Control Room directories and files.
  9. Configure the following settings for the server:
    Microsoft database configuration
    Database Server address (default: localhost)
    Database port (default: 1433)
    Control Room Database (default: Automation360-Database), or enter a name.
    SQL Server Login credentials: Provide the login ID and SQL Server password.
    Password prompt for elasticsearch: Enter or define any password.
  10. In the Database Configuration screen, configure the following:
    1. Database Server address (default: localhost)
    2. Database port (default: 1433)
    3. Control Room Database (default: Automation360-Database), or enter a name.
    4. SQL Server Login credentials: Provide the login ID and SQL Server password.
    5. Password prompt for elasticsearch: Enter or define any password.
  11. Review the pre-installation summary.
  12. Press Enter to install Automation 360 in the default directory.
    Linux installer Version Default directory path
    Installation file path v.22 and earlier /opt/automationanywhere/enterprise
    Updating from earlier versions to v.22
    New installation of v.22 and later /opt/automationanywhere/automation360
    A message appears stating the installation is successfully completed. See Installed Control Room directories and files for the location of control room assets.
  13. Configure the post-installation settings.
    Post-installation, a Control Room group controlroom is automatically created. The following users are a part of this group that runs the respective Control Room services: crkernel, traefik, ignite, activemq, crelasticsearch, criqbot, crbotinsight, craari, crdiscoverybot, crstorage, crdiscoverybotml
  14. Verify that the Automation 360 services started successfully.
  15. Set up Control Room access.
  16. Set up licenses.
  17. The log files for the Control Room installation are available at these specified locations:
    Linux installer Version Log file path
    Log path v.22 and earlier versions /var/log/automationanywhere/enterprise
    Updating from earlier versions to v.22
    New installation of v.22 and later /var/log/automationanywhere/automation360

Next steps

After the Control Room installation and configuration is complete, users can register their devices to create and run bots. See Install Bot Agent and register device.

For more information about Out of Memory Management (OOM) killer, see Linux Automation 360 Control Room service stopped (A-People login required).