Sometimes the objects that you want to automate appear behind the bot runtime window. In such cases, the window is minimized and then reactivated after the action is executed enabling you to successfully automate such objects.

When you perform a right-click action on a browser window, the context menu opens. When you try to click any option in this menu, it disappears because after you execute the right-click action, the active browser window changes to a runtime window. As a result, the context menu closes and the bot fails. To automate such scenarios, perform this procedure.


  1. Create a window variable.
    1. In the Name field, enter RuntimeWindow.
    2. From the Default value field, select the specific application.
    3. In the Window title field, enter Bot running*.

      Create a window variable

    4. Click Create and save the updates.

      After saving the updates, the Default value of the variable shows the same name as that of the Window title.

      Default value shows same name as the Window title

  2. Minimize the bot running window.
    1. From the Actions pane, double-click or drag the Window > Minimize action.
    2. In the Window field, select the variable RuntimeWindow.

      Minimize the bot running window

  3. Automate the right-click action.
    1. Click Start recording.
    2. From the Recorder window, select the specific application.
    3. Execute the Right click action on the specific application. For example, Notepad.

      Execute right-click action on the Notepad

    4. Select any option from the context menu.
  4. Restore the bot running window.
    1. From the Actions pane, double-click or drag the Window > Restore action.
    2. In the Window field, select the variable RuntimeWindow.

      Restore the bot running window