You can create automations using the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browser extensions for web applications running on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, which enables you to automate with enhanced security and performance.

Features using browser extensions for web applications

The following Automation 360 features use the browser extensions for web applications running on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers:
  • Automation of web applications through Universal Recorder or Browser package
  • User interface-based triggers
  • Bot Agent device registration with the Control Room
  • Packages that use window titles, for example, OCR and Mouse > Click.

Use browser extensions to automate web applications

To automate web applications, the browser extensions capture the properties of the targeted UI elements, application window title, and URL that enables you to create or update the actions that are specific to the Recorder in the bots. Newly created or updated bots are then uploaded from the browser of the Bot Creator to the Control Room. All bots are stored in the Control Room along with the properties of the UI element. When a bot is running, browser extensions are used to automate actions on the targeted UI elements of the web-based business applications.

When a Bot Creator or a Bot Runner user connects to the Control Room for the first time over Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers, the browser extensions enable you to register your device by automatically sharing the device name and windows username, with the Control Room.

Note: Firefox browser extension supports object-based automation of web applications running in Firefox browser. Registering your device over Firefox browser is not yet supported.