After registering Microsoft 365, you must grant certain permissions to the application. These permissions are required to enable Microsoft 365 packages to perform various operations.

To grant permissions to an application, see Add permissions.
Note: You must be the co-owner of the application for which you are configuring permissions.
The following Delegated permissions for Microsoft Graph are required for Microsoft 365 packages:
Permission name Description Administrator consent required
Common permissions
openid Allows users to sign in to the app with their work or school accounts and allows the app to see basic user profile information. No
offline_access Allows the app to see and update the data you gave it access to, even when users are not currently using the app. This does not give the app any additional permissions. No
User.Read Allows users to sign-in to the app, and allows the app to read the profile of signed-in users. It also allows the app to read basic company information of signed-in users. No
User.ReadBasic.All Allows the app to read a basic set of profile properties of other users in your organization on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes display name, first and last name, email address and photo. No
Calendars.Read Allows the application to read events in user calendars No
Calendars.Read.Shared Allows the application to read events in all calendars that the user can access, including delegate and shared calendars. No
Calendars.ReadWrite Allows the application to create, read, update, and delete events in user calendars. No
Directory.AccessAsUser.All Allows the application to have the same access to information in the directory as the signed-in user. Yes
Directory.ReadWrite.All Allows the application to read data in your organization's directory, such as users, groups and apps. Yes
Mail.Read Allows the application to read the signed-in user's mailbox. No
Mail.ReadWrite Allows the application to create, read, update, and delete email in user mailboxes. Does not include permission to send mail. No
MailboxSettings.Read Allows the application to the read user's mailbox settings. Does not include permission to send mail. No
MailboxSettings.ReadWrite Allows the application to create, read, update, and delete user's mailbox settings. Does not include permission to send mail. No
Directory.ReadAll Allows the application to read data in your organization's directory, such as users, groups and applications. Yes
Directory.ReadWriteAll Allows the application to read and write data in your organization's directory, such as users, and groups. It does not allow the app to delete users or groups, or reset user passwords. Yes
Files.ReadAll Allows the application to read all files the signed-in user can access. No
Files.ReadWriteAll Allows the app to read, create, update and delete all files the signed-in user can access. No
Files.ReadWrite.All Allows the application to read, create, update and delete all files the signed-in user can access. No
Sites.ReadWrite.All Allows the application to edit or delete documents and list items in all site collections on behalf of the signed-in user. No

Apart from the above permissions, you can grant additional permissions based on your requirements. See, Microsoft Graph permission reference.