Review what's new in Package SDK for the v.34release.

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The Package SDK now supports a new MULTISELECT attribute at the action level. This attribute allows you to select multiple options from a drop-down list, offering increased flexibility in package configuration.

For example:

public Value < String > action(
    @Idx(index = "1", type = MULTISELECT,
        options = {
            @Idx.Option(index = "1.1", pkg = @Pkg(label = "Option 1 label", value = "Option1")),
            @Idx.Option(index = "1.2", pkg = @Pkg(label = "Option 2 label", value = "Option2")),
            @Idx.Option(index = "1.3", pkg = @Pkg(label = "Option 3 label", value = "Option3"))
    //Pkg for the caseType itself.
    @Pkg(label = "[[Uppercase.caseType.label]]") List < Value > multiselect)

The multiselect variable in the above code snippet represents a collection of selectable options from a multi-select drop-down. Each option is encapsulated within a Value object. You can iterate through this list to process individual selections or perform various list-based operations to suit your automation requirements.