Verify whether your PEG configuration is operating correctly in review mode.


Review the following table for the format and purpose of various URLs in PEG:
To confirm that PEG is running as expected, perform the following steps:


  1. In a browser, go to https://storage-fiq-<UID>.<apex domain>.
    You will see a screen like this: ("Access Key" = "your username" and secret key = "your password")

    screen with access key displayed

  2. Log in to https://storage-fiq-<UID>.<apex domain> using a user you created in the configuration steps previously (by running ~/peg/scripts/add-storage-user.rb on the VM).
  3. After you log in, you will see these folders on the left. If you do not, run the "Storage Management" "initialize storage" steps in the configuration steps. If you still do not see them after that, contact Process Discovery.
    The following folders are displayed on the left.

  4. In a browser, go to the analytics URL: https://analytics-fiq-<UID>.<apex domain>
    You will see a screen similar to the following:
    Go to analytics URL and you will see the login screen

    If you do, go to the next step.

  5. In a browser, go to https://dlp-fiq-<UID>.<apex domain>.
    You will just see a blank page. If you encounter an error or it times out, then there is something wrong.
  6. Install the Process Discovery Sensor on a Windows machine. Open a web page, such as and then click the page several times.
  7. After 10 minutes (which is the approximate duration for review images to be generated), log in to https://storage-fiq-<UID>.<apex domain>. Log in with one of the storage users that you created previously in the configuration steps.
    Note on the folders on the left side:
    • fiq-screenshots: Shows the screenshot that PEG received
    • forwarded: Shows what the screenshot looks like if it is forwarded. This is populated regardless of whether it was actually forwarded or not.
    • review: PEG adds annotation to the images here to show more clearly what will be redacted. PEG includes a blue rectangle around where the redacted word previously existed and includes the text it found above the rectangle.
  8. Click the fiq-screenshots folder on the left.
  9. Download some of the images from this folder and confirm that they look like the results of your test.
  10. Click on the review folder.
  11. Download some of the images from this folder and confirm that they appear to be from your test. If PEG finds words that must be redacted, PEG includes a blue rectangle around where the redacted word existed and it includes the text it found above the rectangle, as follows.
    An example: PEG finds words that must be redacted, PEG includes a blue rectangle around where the redacted word existed and it includes the text it found above the rectangle
    If this looks as expected, you have validated that PEG is working in review mode.