Stop and start Control Room services on Linux
- Updated: 2021/10/05
Review the instructions and service names to stop and restart Automation Anywhere Control Room services on Linux.
Log in to your Automation Anywhere Control Room server.
If you just finished installing A2019, use the following command to display the
status of all Control Room services:
sudo systemctl status control*
Browse through the output. If any of the services are not actively running, you can manually start the service with the following command (see the next step for specific service names):
sudo systemctl start <servicename>
Note: If more than one service is not running, you can use the script in the next step to start all the services.For other Linux installation issues, contact Automation Anywhere support: Open a support case (A-People login required).
- Optional:
Create a script from the following code, such as
, to start all the Control Room services.This sample script lists the Control Room services that need to be restarted. You can restart the services in any sequence.The sleep commands allow each service to complete startup before the next service is started.Note: controlroomdiscoverybot.service is only installed by default starting in Automation 360 version 16.echo Starting elastisearch sudo systemctl start controlroomelasticsearch.service sleep 30 echo Starting botcompiler sudo systemctl start controlroombotcompiler.service sleep 30 echo Starting control room caching sudo systemctl start controlroomcaching.service sleep 30 echo Starting backend service sudo systemctl start controlroombackend.service sleep 30 echo Starting reverse proxy sudo systemctl start controlroomreverseproxy.service sleep 30 echo Starting messaging sudo systemctl start controlroommessaging.service sleep 30 echo Starting iq bot sudo systemctl start controlroomiqbot.service sleep 30 echo Starting discovery bot sudo systemctl start controlroomdiscoverybot.service sleep 30 echo Starting aari sudo systemctl start controlroomaari.service sleep 30 echo Starting storage sudo systemctl start controlroomstorage.service sleep 30 echo Starting ml services sudo systemctl start controlroomdiscoverybotml.service sleep 30
Assign execute permission to the script and run it:sudo ./
To stop a single service, use the following command:
sudo systemctl stop <servicename>
.Optional: To stop all services for maintenance or other requirements, create a script, such
, to stop the Control Room services.sudo systemctl stop controlroommessaging.service sudo systemctl stop controlroomreverseproxy.service sudo systemctl stop controlroombackend.service sudo systemctl stop controlroomcaching.service sudo systemctl stop controlroombotcompiler.service sudo systemctl stop controlroomelasticsearch.service sudo systemctl stop controlroomiqbot.service sudo systemctl stop controlroomdiscoverybot.service sudo systemctl stop controlroomaari.service sudo systemctl stop controlroomstorage.service sudo systemctl stop controlroomdiscoverybotml.service
Assign execute permissions to the script and run it:sudo ./