Co-Pilot for Automators

Co-Pilot for Automators is an on-demand, intelligent automation assistant. Developers can accelerate building automation by describing goals in natural language for Co-Pilot for Automators to create and update their automation.

Co-Pilot for Automators is embedded directly within the Automation Workspace. The user can build enterprise-level automation with an interactive instruction-based conversation using Co-Pilot. It is non-intrusive, allowing developers to continue building or editing automation without interference while helping accelerate building automation. This provides users with the flexibility to decide when and how to use this feature.

Co-Pilot for Automators follows these principles to ensure maximum efficiency and ease-of-use:
  • embedded conversational experience for building automation with natural language
  • ensures low-learning curve for quick adoption
  • built-in guardrails with enterprise-tuned AI models that only allow Automation 360 tasks

Leveraging capabilities

Developers can overcome common challenges and expedite development by leveraging Co-Pilot for Automators when and where support is most impactful. Co-Pilot for Automators can assist in selecting and sequencing automation tasks and actions to reach development goals. With Co-Pilot for Automators, developers simply need to describe the automation scenario with a set of instructions for necessary elements or actions to be added in proper order. Consider the following areas where Co-Pilot for Automators is highly impactful.

Process Composer Co-Pilot for Automators in Process Composer
  • Create the complete automation or select and edit part of the process.
  • Add a new task (Process, Bot, Form, API, Approval) to the end, or a selected location, of the process and map dependencies.
  • Add a learning instance from Document Automation to the end of the process. Support for learning instance in process task
  • Set the conditions of dependencies.
  • Update one or multiple supported properties of an existing node.
Bot editor Co-Pilot for Automators in Bot Editor
  • Create the complete automation or select and edit a part of the bot.
  • Add a new action to a selected location of the automation. When adding an action, variables for mandatory attributes are automatically created.
  • Update properties of one or multiple selected actions. Update automation via select and prompt
  • Create and reference variables to edit properties.
  • Add and update the conditions of if/else actions.
  • Set the iterator type and items of loop logic (for, while). Instruct prompts to build loops

Best practices

  • During development after sending a prompt, keep the Assistant page open and minimize when necessary. Prompts are not saved and hence conversation history cannot be retrieved when the screen is refreshed or a new session is started.
  • Describe your whole automation scenario in your prompt. Long prompts can sometimes result in time-outs. If the scenario is too long or complex, divide the scenario into sections of operations. Then describe a healthy amount of operations in your prompt by the sections of operations in your automation scenario.


An Automator AI Platform Base license is required to enable Co-Pilot for Automators capability. A license is available to all Cloud regions. When the license is assigned, Co-Pilot for Automators capability is available to all users assigned with each of these roles and a device license:
  • Role: AAE_Basic and AAE_Bot Developer
  • Device License: Bot Creator or Citizen Developer
  • Co-Pilot for Automators is optimized for use in English. There might be limited functionality in other languages.
  • This capability is powered by an ensemble of AI/ML and large language models (LLM), and requires specific data attributes to be sent to sub-processors for completing the user requests. See Automation Anywhere Data Processing Addendum for details.
  • For more information see Data security for generative AI - FAQ.
  • For details about the Automator AI Platform Base license, see Automator AI Platform Base.

Response messages

Co-Pilot for Automators responds to prompts with interactive messages that offer status and guidance. See, Response messages from Co-Pilot for Automators

Note: Generative AI models can produce errors and/or misrepresent the information they generate. It is advisable to verify the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the content generated by the AI model.