Enterprise 11 workload management data is automatically migrated to Automation 360 when you install Automation 360 and point the Control Room to the restored Enterprise 11 database.

When you migrate workload management data to Automation 360, all related workload management is moved to the Automation 360 environment, including queues, device pools, owners, and consumers. Migrated device pools are empty because the migration process does not migrate devices. You must update the device pool with the relevant unattended Bot Runner devices.
Note: Bots that are deleted in the workload management automation records are skipped during migration. These bots are displayed as N/A in the workload queues.

Bots associated with a workload template are migrated to the same Automation 360 template with all information intact.

The following work item variables are supported for migration:

  • $WorkItem$ – How this variable is migrated depends on the String, Number, and DateTime type associated with it.

    Variable mapping for migration

  • $WorkItemResult$ – Bots using this variable must be associated with a workload template in Enterprise 11 if you want to use it after migration. If you migrate a bot that has the $WorkItemResult$ variable in a command and the bot is not linked to a workload template, then the command shows an error when it is opened in the Bot editor in Automation 360.

The following work item variable operations are not yet supported and bots using these variable operations cannot be migrated successfully:

  • Reset $WorkItem$
  • Reset $WorkItemResult$