Formula validation
- Updated: 2024/09/27
Formula validation rules such as basic arithmetic, comparative, logical, and functional operations are used to improve the accuracy and reliability of data extraction.
- All function names must be in capital letters.
- All formulas must result in either a true or false validation.
- Field and column names are case sensitive when used within formulas. If field is defined as Qty in design, using qty or QTY in formula results in an invalid formula.
- For variable declaration or manipulation, ensure not to use certain keywords that are reserved for formulating an expression, including SUM, SUB, DIV, MUL, COLSUM, IF.
Mathematical operators
Operations | Description | Syntax |
+ | Addition | Field/Column_Name1 + Field/Column_Name2 |
- | Subtraction | Field/Column_Name1 - Field/Column_Name2 |
* | Multiplication | Field/Column_Name1 * Field/Column_Name2 |
/ | Division | Field/Column_Name1 / Field/Column_Name2 |
Comparative operators
Operations | Description | Syntax |
== | Equal To |
[Current Field/Column Name] == [expression comprised of one or more field/column name or fixed numeric values] For example, AMOUNT == MUL(QUANTITY, UNIT_PRICE) |
>= | Greater than or Equal To |
[Current Field/Column Name] >= [expression comprised of one or more field/column name or fixed numeric values] For example, TOTAL_BILL_AMOUNT >= AMOUNT_PAID |
<= | Less than or Equal To |
[Current Field/Column Name] <= [expression comprised of one or more field/column name or fixed numeric values] For example, AMOUNT_PAID <= TOTAL_BILL_AMOUNT |
> | Greater Than |
[Current Field/Column Name] > [expression comprised of one or more field/column name or fixed numeric values] For example, BILL_AMOUNT > 0 |
< | Less Than |
[Current Field/Column Name] > [expression comprised of one or more field/column name or fixed numeric values] For example, DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE < 100 |
!= | Not Equal To |
[Current Field/Column Name] != [expression comprised of one or more field/column name or fixed numeric values] For example, DEBIT_AMOUNT != 0 |
Logical operators
Operations | Description | Syntax |
&& |
And: Field/Column is valid if all conditions are true |
<Current Field/Column Name> <operator 1> <expression 1> && <Current Field/Column Name> <operator 2> <expression 2> For example, DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE >= 0 && DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE <=100 |
|| |
Or: Field/Column is valid if any one of the given conditions is true |
<Current Field/Column Name> <operator 1> <expression 1> || <Current Field/Column Name> <operator 2> <expression 2> For example, DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE >= 0 || DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE == 'Net' |
! |
Not: Converts a true expression to false and also the other way round |
!<expression> For example, !(AGE < 18) ==> valid when AGE is not less than 18 |
Functional operators
Operations | Description | Syntax |
Summation: gives result of addition of one or more field/column/fixed-number values |
SUM(n1,n2,....,nN) For example, SUM(SUB_TOTAL, SERVICE_TAX, EDUCATION_CESS) ==> equivalent to SUB_TOTAL plus SERVICE_TAX plus EDUCATION_CESS |
Subtraction: gives result of subtraction of one or more field/column/fixed-number values from the first specified value |
SUB(n1,n2,....,nN) For example, SUB(SUB_TOTAL, TOTAL_DISCOUNT, ADJUSTMENTS) ==> equivalent to SUB_TOTAL minus TOTAL_DISCOUNT minus ADJUSTMENTS |
Multiplication: gives result of multiplication of one or more field/column/fixed-number values |
MUL(n1,n2,....,nN) For example, MUL(QTY_IN_BOX, UNIT_PRICE, SHIPPED_BOXES) ==> equivalent to QTY_IN_BOX multiply-with UNIT_PRICE multiply-with SHIPPED_BOXES |
Division: gives result of division of one or more field/column/fixed-number values from the first specified value |
DIV(n1,n2,....,nN) For example, DIV(AMOUNT, SHIPPED_BOXES, UNIT_PRICE) ==> equivalent to AMOUNT divide-by SHIPPED_BOXES divide-by UNIT_PRICE |
Sum of a given Column in a table: gives result after evaluating given expression for each row of specified table and adding them all together |
COLSUM("<table-name>", "<expression to evaluate for each row of specified table-name>") For example, FINAL_TOTAL == COLSUM("LINE_ITEMS", "MUL(QTY, UNIT_PRICE)") Say there are 3 rows for table LINE_ITEMS, then FINAL_TOTAL should be equal to MUL(QTY1, UNIT_PRICE1) + MUL(QTY2, UNIT_PRICE2) + MUL(QTY3, UNIT_PRICE3) where, QTY1 is QTY value in row 1, similarly UNIT_PRICE1 is UNIT_PRICE value in row 2, and so on for other rows as well. |