This procedure describes how to create a process automation to select a file input.

This process automation uses the elements that you previously created from the following topics:


  1. Create a new process automation and name it Process To Download File in Process Composer.
  2. Click Process entry. The Start window displays.Process To Download file
  3. Click Browse in the Select initial data form field.
  4. Set the initial form as File Form that you had created.
  5. Enter the request title and task name.
  6. Click Save and close the current window.
  7. Drag and drop the Bot Task into your process automation from the Elements panel. The Task: Bot Task window displays. Task bot process to download file
  8. Enter your element and task name in the Element name and Task name fields.
  9. Click Browse in the Select bot field and set this as the Bot File that you previously created.
  10. Set your input value as Download.
  11. Select the FileVar that you had previously created, and set the variable as the document you uploaded as the variable.
  12. Click Save and close the current window.
  13. Drag and drop the Form Task into your process automation from the Element panel. The Task: Form Task window displays. Enter your element and task name in the Element name and Task name fields.Task form process to download file
  14. In the Select Form field, select the View Document Form that you previously created.
  15. Click the Add button option.
  16. Specify your button labels and style using the Button label and Button style fields.
  17. Select Document in the Feed data into form field. Alternatively, you can select Image if you had used the Image element instead.
  18. Enter the file variable to feed into the form.
  19. Click Save and close the current window.
    You have successfully created a process automation to view files.
    To continue to upload a file, see View uploaded file.