Apigee Execute Integration
- Updated: 2023/04/05
You can configure and execute an integration in Apigee using the Apigee Execute Integration action.
- Create a GCP account (GCP Cloud) and create a GCloud project.
- Login to your GCloud account at Google Cloud Project and create a project. If you already have access to a project, you will see your project here.
- Create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID. A client ID is used to identify a single application to Google's OAuth Servers. For more details, see GCP Create access credentials.
Use the Apigee Execute action to execute an integration in an Apigee instance from Automation 360.
- Log in to the Control Room.
- Create a new bot. For more details, See Create your first bot.
- From the Actions pane, select Apigee > Execute integration and place it under the Start of the bot flow.
Click Discover integrations to configure. Step
1/4: Connect to Apigee X appears. In the Authentication
Type drop down, select the authentication method. For more details,
see Apigee Connect.
- User Account: Use this connection method by providing the GCloud account credentials.
Service Account: Use this connection method by providing
the GCloud service account key. You need to add the service account key in the
following JSON format. It is recommended to store the entire JSON snippet in
the credential vault and pick the saved credential during
{ "type": "service_account", "project_id": "your_project_id", "private_key_id": "your_private_key_id", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\your_private_key-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "your_client_email", "client_id": "your_client_id", "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth", "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs", "client_x509_cert_url": "your_client_certificate_url" }
- Control room OAuth connection: Use this connection method by creating an OAuth connection and storing it in the Control Room.
Click Connect.
If the credentials are correct, it gets connected to GCloud and the Step 2/4: Load Integration screen appears.
Select the following in the Step 2/4: Load Integration
- Click the Project ID drop-down and select the project ID from where you want to load the integration.
Click the Location drop-down and select the
location from where you want to load the integration.
Click Next.
Step 3/4: Select an Integration screen appears with all the available integrations.
Select an integration from the list.
Click Next.
Step 4/4: Configure my Integration screen appears with all the configuration options.
In the Step 4/4: Configure my Integration screen, click
the API Trigger drop-down and select the trigger you want
to invoke.
The input parameters are the parameters retrieved from Apigee. -
Click Done.
All the selected options are displayed as parameters in the Apigee: Execute integration action.
Click Add new input parameter to manually add the input
parameters. You can provide the parameter value for different parameter types as
specified in the following table:
Parameter type Parameter value Example String Specify a string value stored as a variable. $str_INString$ Integer Specify a number. 9 Double Specify a decimal number. 20.5 JSON Specify a JSON string. $str_JSONString$ String Array Specify string values in an array. [a,b,c] Integer Array Specify integers in an array. [11,22,334] Double Array Specify integers and decimal numbers in an array. [23.5,27,44.5] Boolean Specify boolean value as True or False. True Boolean Array Specify boolean values as an array. [true,false] - - (Manual entry) Specify any value from the above formats. -
We recommend that you click Validate my settings to
validate all the parameters you have provided. If the values are incorrect, you
will see the details in the Integration Validation
- Enter Default as the session name.
- You can store the execution ID to a variable to verify in Apigee. For example: ExecutionId.
To verify the response from the Apigee integration, you can store the response
to a variable. For example: Execution.
Note: The output is retrieved as a list of type Dictionary. To read an individual record (row) in this list, you need to loop through all the dictionary items using the Loop action and read or extract the records (rows) individually. For example, the output of get multiple records is saved in the variable list_of_records_any. If the variable contains five records, then each record is passed to the Loop action to be processed one at a time.