The audit log export utility enables you to export the audit log data from the Enterprise 11 Control Room to a JSON file. You must paste the JSON file in the Automation 360 repository and then migrate the audit log data.


Note: Migration of audit logs from Enterprise 11 to Automation 360 is supported only for On-Premises deployments.

Ensure you have the AAE_Admin role or the Manage Migration permission.

  • Starting with Automation 360 v.23, you can migrate audit log data of Version 11.3.5 or later versions.
  • The audit log export utility exports information about all Enterprise 11 log events, including those that are currently not supported in Automation 360 such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and run bots through command line.


Based on the current version of your Control Room, choose one of the following ways to export and migrate the audit log data:

  • For Version 11.3 and later:
    1. Download the latest version of the audit log export utility from the Automation Anywhere Support site.
      Important: You must download the utility on the machine on which the Version 11.3 Control Room is installed. If the Control Room is installed in Cluster mode, you can download the utility on any of the node available in the cluster.
      1. Navigate to the Automation Anywhere Downloads page: A-People Downloads page (Login required).
      2. Click the Automation 360 link.
      3. Click Installation Setup, and then click AAE_Export_Audit_Log_<version>.zip file..
    2. Extract the files from the zip file you have downloaded.
    3. Open the Windows command prompt.
    4. Change the working directory to AAE_Export_Audit_Log_<version> and enter the following command: bin\java -jar AAE_Export_Audit_Log_<version>.jar export.path="OUTPUT LOCATION" cr.version="CONTROL ROOM VERSION" install.path="CONTROL ROOM INSTALLATION PATH"
      Update the following values in the command:
      • OUTPUT LOCATION: Replace the text with the location where you want to save the output.
        • Ensure that the folders mentioned in the location exist.
        • Ensure that you specify the location of the output folder in double quotation marks.
      • CONTROL ROOM VERSION: Replace the text with the current version of the Enterprise 11 Control Room that is installed. The cr.version value is the first three digits of the Enterprise 11 Control Room. For example, if the Control Room is Version, enter the cr.version value as 11.3.4.
      • CONTROL ROOM INSTALLATION PATH: Replace the text with the full path of the location where the Control Room is installed. For example, C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise.

      Command example: bin\java -jar AAE_Export_Audit_Log_<version>.jar export.path="C:\Migration\Audit Log" cr.version="11.x.x" install.path="C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise"

      The utility generates the es_export.json file at the output location you specified. The generated JSON file contains a maximum of 10000 records. If there are more than 10000 records available in the audit data, the utility generates multiple JSON files at the same location and adds a suffix such as es_export_1.
    5. Create the migration\es-data folders in the Automation 360 repository.
    6. Copy the JSON file available at the output location.
      If the utility has generated multiple JSON files, you must copy all the files.
    7. Paste the JSON file in the Server Files\migration\es-data folder.
      See the following video on exporting 11.3.x audit log data for migration:

    8. Log in to your Automation 360 staging environment.
    9. Go to Administration > Migration.
    10. Click Migrate Audit log from the Migrate bots menu on the top-right of the screen.
      The system starts retrieving and migrating the audit log data from the es_export.json file and uploading it to Automation 360 Elasticsearch. The entries are displayed in the Audit Log tab of Automation 360.

      After the Audit log migration is complete, navigate to Administration > Migration page to view the status of the audit log migration and other related information. You can also filter the audit log migration results based on the migration Type as the Audit log migration.

      Click the View migration option for each audit migration instance to see additional information such as the audit log file path and the reasons why individual es_export.json files were skipped or were not successfully migrated when migrating the audit logs.

      View migration reports

  • For version 11.2 and earlier:
    1. Log in to your Automation 360 staging environment.
    2. Go to Administration > Migration.
    3. Click Migrate Audit data from the Migrate bots menu on the top-right of the screen.
      The system starts retrieving and migrating the audit data from the database and uploading it to the Automation 360 Elasticsearch. The entries are displayed in the Audit Log tab of Automation 360.
    See the following video on migrating Enterprise 11 audit log data: