Co-Pilot for Automators in Bot Editor

Natural language prompts can make developing sophisticated bot automation simple and fast.


See Availability


Co-Pilot for Automators supports the following features in the Bot editor. Consider describing the following with a natural language prompt.

  • Create an action and automatically create variables for mandatory attributes of the action.
  • Describe and reference existing variables in prompts using the established variable tag (ex. $variable_name$).
  • Create an action and a variable, and map them together with a single prompt (ex. Connect to Salesforce and set username to $salesforceUserName$).
  • Update attributes of an action in the Bot editor.
  • Select multiple actions and update matching properties across the selection.
  • Specify conditions of if/else actions with instructions of the bot behavior when matching properties exist (ex. if greater than 99, else save $var$ to excel).
  • Furthermore, multiple conditions of if/else actions can be recognized when described with instructions (ex. if greater than 99 and less than 999.
  • Set the iterator type and items of loop logic based on the built-in iterators (ex. For each: file in a folder, row in a database table).

Known limitations in the Bot editor

The following functionality is currently not supported by Co-Pilot for Automators.

Element Limitations
  • Custom packages and Bot Store packages are not supported.
  • An existing Task Bot cannot be linked to Run Task Bot action via prompts.
  • Recorder or Capture action properties cannot be auto-populated via prompts.
  • Loop action defaults to 10.
  • A limited set of properties for some actions cannot be assigned or modified via prompts.

Get started

Instruct prompts to build bot automation