Connect your Advanced Classifier license

The Advanced Classifier package can be used to split pages from a document file and classify documents and pages within a document.


  • Ensure that you have set up your Skilja platform. For more information, see your Skilja documentation or contact
  • Ensure that you have a valid Skilja platform license. For more information, contact
  • Make note of your Skilja platform license key (.json format).
  • Ensure that you have the AAE_Locker Admin role in the Control Room.

Using this package is optional and depends on the use cases and specific document classification requirements. This package uses Skilja, a third-party classification service. It requires a separate license from Skilja to operate.

Advanced Classifier package workflow

When is the Advanced Classifier necessary beyond the Document Classifier?

Use the Advanced Classifier package in the following scenarios:

  • When you need to classify documents or pages based on predefined rules
  • When you need to split a document based on specific patterns

For understanding the difference between the Advanced Classifier and Document Classifier, see Comparing Advanced Classifier and Document Classifier.


  1. Log in to your Control Room.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Credentials .
  3. On the Credentials page, click the plus (+) icon to create a new credential.
  4. In the Credential name field, enter a name for the credential. For example, advanced-classifier-credential.
  5. In the Attribute name field, enter a name for the attribute. For example, ServiceAccount.
  6. Select the Standard input option.
  7. Copy your Skilja license json key and paste it in the Value field.
  8. Click Create credential.

    Now, create a locker to store the created credentials and provide access to users.

  9. Navigate to the Lockers tab and click the plus (+) icon to create a new locker.
  10. In the Locker name field, enter a name for the locker. For example, advanced-classifier-locker.
  11. Select the credential to be stored in this locker (for example, advanced-classifier-credential) and click the right arrow to move the credential to the Selected column.
  12. In the Consumers tab, select the roles that will consume this locker and credential and click the right arrow to move the roles to the Selected column.
  13. Click Create locker.
    Users belonging to the roles associated with this locker can use this license when using the Advanced Classifier actions. See Advanced Classifier package.