Automation 360 v.33 Community Edition Release Notes

Release date: 17 June 2024

Review what's new in the Community Edition of the Automation 360 v.33 (Build 23180) release.

Nota: When a Bot Agent update is required, the Bot Agent is automatically updated to the compatible version.

For more information on updating to this release, see these resources:

Automation Workspace

What's new
Advanced debugging

Accelerate developer productivity by simplifying the debugging of complex, multi-level automations. Quickly move through and troubleshoot nested automations, use the call stack to track and navigate automation sequences, and adjust variables while executing automations to pinpoint and fix issues faster.

Herramienta Depuración

Add number sign ( # ) in credentials (Service Cloud Case ID: 02108672)

Device credentials such as username and password now support the use of the number sign ( # ) in Automation 360.

Caracteres especiales admitidos

Generative AI package

The newly added Response format option in OpenAI: Chat AI and Microsoft Azure OpenAI actions within the Generative AI package allows you to instruct the model to return the response in JSON or text format.

OpenAI: action Chat AI | Azure OpenAI: Acción Chat AI

Set length cap for filter execution list API (/v3/activity/list API)

To avoid unbounded queries that could impact system availability, the maximum page length for the filter execution list API (/v3/activity/list) has been capped at 10,000. Previously, you could use the API to retrieve more than 10,000 entries at a time.

Bot Execution Orchestrator API

The deprecated Authentication APIs (POST v1/authenticationand POST v1/authentication/token) will stop working. To ensure uninterrupted access, update your applications to use the v2 versions of the Authentication APIs: POST v2/authenticationand POST v2/authentication/token.

Authentication API

The deprecated User Management APIs (v1/usermanagement) will stop working. To ensure uninterrupted access, update your applications to use the v2 versions of the User Management APIs v2/usermanagement.

User Management API

Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users

What's new

New Hyperlink form element added to table design

Hyperlink has been added as a new form element type that you can select as a Column setting when designing a table column in Form Composer. You no longer need to use a text box to copy and paste a URL into a browser tab to add the hyperlink to a table.

See Uso del elemento Tabla and Using the Hyperlink element.

Additionally, when building rules with a Hyperlink type of column, you can set the following conditions:
  • Is clicked
  • URL is changed

Line numbers automatically added to tasks in Process Composer

To enhance the readability and manageability of process automations (particularly in complex or lengthy workflows), Process Composer now adds line numbers to tasks automatically. With unique line numbers assigned to each task, you can easily reference, locate, and discuss specific parts of the process automation.

Line numbers on tasks

You can use this feature for prompt to automate, debugging, collaborative work, and maintaining clear documentation of the process flow. These visible line markers are consistent with how they work in the Bot editor.

Utilizar el Bot editor

Improved log in license messaging for end-users

To deliver a consistent end-user experience, these new error messages now display for the following users.
Non-Admin users without an Automation Co-Pilot license attempt to log in to:
  • Automation Co-Pilot Desktop
  • Automation Co-Pilot Embedded

New error message for Non-Admin users

Admin users attempt to log in to:
  • Automation Co-Pilot Desktop
  • Automation Co-Pilot Embedded

New error message for Admin users

Event trigger audit log enhancements (Service Cloud case ID: 02099424)

Audit log entries are now added to the Audit log page when you create or delete an event trigger.

Improved Task type filtering for logged-in users

To provide a more efficient and accurate filtering end-user experience for a logged-in user, the tasks that display on the Tasks page in Automation Co-Pilot now show the following:
  • Tasks of type Form, Approval, or Validation that are assigned to the user, and tasks that are unassigned to the user but assigned to a Role or Team to which they belong.
  • When the user clicks the Show only tasks assigned to me check box at the top of the Tasks page, only those tasks assigned to the logged-in user display.
What's changed
The shortcut name for the desktop icon has changed from AARI to Automation Co-Pilot:

Updated icon text

Document Automation

What's changed
Improved advanced training settings in validator

When you provide validation feedback for the Primary Column and the End of table indicator fields, the validation feedback is now improved to automatically populate these values when you process documents of similar type even when the end of table indicator is at random locations.

You can clear the automatically updated values:

  • Primary column field: Click the drop-down menu and select the empty value from the drop-down menu.
  • End of table indicator field: Click the close button next to the value in the end of table indicator field or click the close button on the selection box of the value on the document.

Improve table data extraction