Get cell address action in Microsoft 365 Excel

The Get cell address action in Microsoft 365 Excel package enables you to retrieve the location of an active cell from the specified Microsoft 365 Excel workbook and store the value in a variable as a string.


  • Enter the name of the session used to open the workbook with the Open action.

    See Uso de la acción Abrir.

  • Use the Cell action field to select one of the following options:
    • Active cell- To retrieve the address of the currently active cell position and store this output as a string variable.
      Nota: Ensure that you refresh or reload the workbook when you select this option so that the active cell is detected correctly.
    • Specific cell- To specify a cell using the following options:
      • Enter the column title- Enter the name or title of the column.

        Optionally, click the Insert a value icon to select an existing variable that contains the name or title of the column.

      • Enter cell position from column title- Enter the position of the cell from the specified column.

        Optionally, click the Insert a value icon to select an existing variable that contains position of the cell.

        Consider the following scenario where you want to retrieve the cell address for 2012 from the following workbook:

        Sample workbook

        Enter Year in the Enter the column title field and 2 in the Enter cell position from column title field.

        Similarly, if the table does not have a header, enter C in the Enter the column title field and 2 in the Enter cell position from column title field.

    Nota: In order to use Specific cell option, ensure that you have enabled the Sheet contains header check box in the Open action. If this option is not enabled, the default column name is considered. See Uso de la acción Abrir.
  • Click the Save the active or user specified cell address in local variable drop-down menu to select an existing variable to store the output.

    Click the Create variable icon if you do not have an existing string type variable to store the output.

  • Click Save.