Automator AI v.34 release

Review what's new and changed, and the limitations in Automator AI for the v.34 release.
Important : Automator AI contains offerings such as Co-Pilot for Automators, Suggest next actions, and Generative Recorder. This offering is available on Automation 360 Cloud only, and will be available for use with the Automator AI Platform Base license. For details about this license, see Automator AI Platform Base.
Remarque : Generative AI models can produce errors and/or misrepresent the information they generate. It is advisable to verify the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the content generated by the AI model.

What's new

Accelerate automation development with Autopilot BMPN support

You can import your existing business process model and notation (BPMN) files to the Control Room and use Autopilot to automatically convert them to automation process and task outlines. These outlines will have structure and logic built into them. This enables faster automation development and derives more value from existing BPMN tools.

Autopilot workflow for BPMN

Improved support for creating variables via prompt

As variables are extensively used in building bot automation, Co-Pilot for Automators now has additional measures and capabilities to enrich instructions that can be recognized in prompts.

  • When no name for the variable is specified, the name is generated automatically and follows a standard convention for all subsequent variables created in the same way.
  • The input/output property of variables can be recognized in the prompt.
  • The dimensions of table variables are recognized, in columns and rows.
  • Improved support for file type and form type variables.
  • Added support for session type variables.
  • Added support for default values of variables.

Création de variables via une invite

What's changed

Service regions changed to US and EU for Co-Pilot for Automators

All service regions are either US or EU for data processing of Co-Pilot for Automators prompts. The change is due to updating the LLM model, supported by Azure OpenAI, that is serviced from only these two regions.

Security and architecture for Automator AI

Improved Co-Pilot for Automators capability to match repository entities in process automation

Users can specify an entity (bot task, form task, file, etc.) and path where that entity is saved, in prompts for Co-Pilot for Automators to add entities to nodes in a process. This added description ensures that the matching entity is attached to the node described in the prompt.

Response messages have been added to assist users when the entity specified has multiple matches, no match, or the prompt has partial success. These response messages also display the path searched.