Version Release Notes

These release notes contain changed features, fixed features, and security fixes introduced in Version for Automation Anywhere Control Room and Enterprise Client.

New features

No new features are introduced in this version.

Changed features

Enterprise Client changed features
Zendesk ticket ID Description
130009 The Machine variable now returns the full name of the computer even if the name is longer than 15 characters.

Fixed features

Control Room fixed features
Zendesk ticket ID Description
108985, 147958, 154301, 166711 The Control Room server times out and displays a time-out error to the user when using the Export and Import bot options in the Bot Lifecycle Management module.
170349, 129571 After upgrading to Version 11.3.1 or Version, the CPU usage reaches 100% because of insufficient SQL queries on the Control Room dashboards. This is fixed in Version
Enterprise Client fixed features
Zendesk ticket ID Description
-- When migrating a task with the SOAP Web Service command from the previous version 10.5.10 or 10.5.104 to 10.5.107 or version, the WSDL associated with the SOAP command generates the expected output.

In the Terminal Emulator command > Advanced Technology, you can now page up and page down correctly using the function keys KEY_PGUP and KEY_PGDOWN respectively for the TN3270 and TN5250 terminal types.

-- In the Email Automation command (IMAP, POP3), an email message containing images in the email body is shown in plain text or HTML format.
-- The Run functionality remains disabled until the automation task is saved.
-- Task Bots created using the Object Cloning command with the Select Item by Text or Select Item by Index options to capture data from the drop-down list work as expected.
123966 In the Insert Keystroke command, when setting a string value using the variable, the letters repeating consecutively do not skip.
157895, 175948, 182139, 184058, 194965 In the Variable Operation command, when doing a mathematical operation using the System Variables (for example: $Date$, $Day$), you now get the same result whether you include a space or not.
-- The Append Text action for the field that requires a password as input, which is captured from a window in a Java-based application using the Object Cloning command, now does not append the data twice.
157896 The Object Cloning command used to capture the pop-up window in a Java-based application now captures the object properties correctly for the selected object instead of the parent object when the task with this command is run.
167714 After upgrading Enterprise Client to Version, the MetaBots created by capturing the Custom Objects in the previous versions now work as expected without any errors.
194226 In the Launch Website command, URLs that have the www missing start properly in Internet Explorer. Also, http// is not automatically inserted after http:// when you run the automation.
124346 You can now view, add, edit, and delete monthly schedules in the Schedule Manager, even when the operating system is not in English.
171550 When executing a command, the player now displays an error message only if the target application does not return to the Responding state within the specified time-out period.
148247 When a user deploys or runs the same task that is already running, the second instance is placed in a queue. When the first task completes, the task in the queue starts and completes successfully, even if it contains Java-based Object Cloning commands or MetaBots.
178856, 180193 In the XML command, when you write the XML content to a file using Save Session Data, the XML file is created and encoded with UTF-8 and not with UTF-8 BOM.
-- In MetaBot Screen Configuration, the screen displays the first object listed in the Object List panel and the list is refreshed when you select another object from a new screen.
-- When you open a MetaBot Logic that has a front slash (/) in its name, the window title in the workbench appears correctly.
-- In a MetaBot, when you Calibrate screens, the NAMELESS objects now do not show up as new objects in the application calibration results.
-- In a MetaBot Logic, when you use the Mask option for SetText and AppendText of the Import Dataset command, the text is not shown when you save the Logic in the Workbench and run it.
-- The Workbench now does not pause or stop responding when you press an arrow key on the keyboard when using the SAP Integration command.

Security fixes

Control Room security fixes
Zendesk ticket ID Description

Hijacking the Control Room session, and tampering with the JSON file to modify the role might result in a privilege escalation (privilege to view, not change) and data disclosure in the Create User page.

Resolution: Privileges are now applied on the API endpoint to prevent access to data on the Create User page.

Deprecated features

No features are deprecated in this version.

Known limitations

Control Room known limitations

The MVP Bots widget is not available in the Bots dashboard.

Enterprise Client known limitations

When upgrading from Version 11.3 to Version, the Google Chrome plug-in is unavailable. To ensure that the Google Chrome plug-in enables properly, open Google Chrome from the Version 11.3 version before upgrading to