Transfer data from the Excel spreadsheet to a web form using the Excel, Loop, Object Cloning, and Web Recorder commands.

The following steps are a general example of how to automate this task:


  1. Open the web form:
    1. In the Web Recorder submenu, double-click or drag the Open Browser command.
    2. Type the URL to Open and click Save.
  2. Add a wait time for the browser to open to the web page:
    1. Double-click or drag the Wait command.
    2. Select the Wait for windowoption button.
    3. From the drop-down menu, select the Window.
    4. Type the wait time and click Save.
  3. Open the spreadsheet with the data:
    1. In the Excel submenu, double-click or drag the Open Spreadsheet command.
    2. Click Browse to select the Excel file.
    3. Click Contains Header, then click Save. This action excludes the header data from the first row.
    4. Double-click or drag the Get Cells command.
    5. Click Get All Cells and click Save.
  4. Create a loop to iterate through each row of the spreadsheet:
    1. In the Loop submenu, double-click or drag the Each row in an Excel dataset command.
    2. Click Save. A comment appears under the Start Loop action line.
  5. Capture the web form fields as objects to manipulate their contents:
    1. Double-click or drag the Object Cloning after Comment command.
    2. From the drop-down menu, select the window.
    3. Click Capture and hold until the web page appears.
    4. Position the mouse over the field and then release the mouse. The Object Cloning window appears.
    5. From the Action To Perform drop-down menu, select Set Text.
    6. Click the Text To Set entry box.
    7. Press F2. The Insert Variable window appears.
    8. Select Excel Column, and click Insert. The Excel Column Option window appears.
    9. Type the Column Number, and click OK.
    10. Click Save.
  6. Repeat the above steps to capture each web form field as an object and assign it to an Excel column.
  7. Automate clicking the Submit button in the web form:
    1. Double-click or drag the Object Cloning after Comment command.
    2. From the drop-down menu, select the window.
    3. Click Capture and hold until the web page appears.
    4. Position the mouse over the Submit button and then release the mouse.
    5. The Object Cloning window appears.
    6. From the Action To Perform drop-down menu, select Left Click.
    7. Click Save.
  8. When the Submit button is clicked, the web form sends the data to a server to process and generate a success message. Insert a Delay command to account for the processing time:
    1. Double-click or drag the Delay command. The Delay window appears.
    2. Select the Regular Delayoption button and set the field to 5 seconds.
    3. Click Save.
  9. When the web page redirects to the success message, navigate to the web form:
    1. In the Web Recorder submenu, double-click or drag the Navigate URL command.
    2. Type the URL to Open and click Save.
  10. Close the browser after the End Loop command and save the Task to end the Task Bot Logic.
    1. Double-click or drag the Close Spreadsheet command and click Save.
    2. Name the Task and click Save.
    3. Click Run.