The default Operation dashboard displays all the information that is available in the Home, Bots, Device, Audit and the Workload dashboards. You can save a default dashboard as a customized dashboard to display information specific to your requirements.

While the default dashboard displays information about bots that are created, deployed, running, and scheduled across various Bot Runner machines, the customized dashboard enables you to visualize and analyze specific information about bots using the various data sources.

This task provides a sample scenario about how to select a data source and add a bar graph to provide insights about the new bots that are scheduled to run.


  1. Access the Operation dashboard by logging in to the Control Room and clicking the Bot Insight link.
  2. Open the default Operation dashboard that you want to customize.
  3. Click Save As.
  4. In the Save As window, enter Doc-sample in the field, and click OK.
  5. Open the Doc-sample custom Operation dashboard.
  6. In the dashboard, click the plus sign.
  7. In the Add New Chart data source window, click Bot Schedules New.
    Alternatively, if you want to search for a particular data source, use the search bar to enter the name of the data source and select the same.
  8. In the Add New chart window, click Bars.
    The Home Bots Schedules New widget appears in the dashboard.

    In the Home Bots Schedules New bar, the X axis displays information about the bot schedules and the Y axis displays information about the number of bots that are scheduled to run. The orange color represents the minimum value, and blue represents the maximum value. The bar chart also displays information about the automation task name.

Next steps

You can also perform the following functions from the custom Operation dashboard: