Starting from Control Room Version 11.3.5, you can auto discover available LDAP URLs through a cron job in the Enterprise Control Room to update the domains list and available LDAP URLs accordingly.


Ensure that LDAP is configured with auto discovery either while setting up LDAP (fresh installation) or from the settings..

Running the cron job periodically ensures that the Control Room has information about any disruptions in the Active Directory topology. The Control Room detects live domain controllers and updates the LDAP URLs accordingly.

The auto discovery cron job is triggered in the following scenarios:

  • When the defined time-to-live (TTL) is reached.
  • When any configured LDAP URL is unavailable in the Control Room.


  1. Go to the Control Room installation path.
  2. From the list of files, open the file with an XML editor such as Notepad++.
  3. Define the following properties in the file:
    PropertyValue true 3600
    The cron job is triggered every 3600 seconds (1 hour) by default. You can change this value based on your requirements. For example, if you set the TTL value as 86400 seconds, the cron job will be triggered every 24 hours.
  4. Save the file and restart these services: Automation Anywhere Control Room Caching, Automation Anywhere Control Room Messaging, Automation Anywhere Control Room Service, and Automation Anywhere Control Room Reverse Proxy.