Assemble an advanced MetaBot

After creating all the logic, variables, and other components of a MetaBot, combine them to assemble a valid MetaBot.


Verify that you have the following access and permissions:

Complete the Manage variables in an advanced MetaBot task before starting this task.


  1. Open the LOGIC created in Add Logic and local variables to a basic MetaBot Get Bitcoin Price in USD.
  2. From the Commands tab, drag a Message Box command from the left navigation pane to the Actions List just below number 1.
  3. In the Message Box under the Please enter message to show the user field.
  4. Enter Price of Bitcoin is.
  5. Press F2, and select Price.
  6. Click Insert.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Save in the Workbench.

Next steps

To verify that the MetaBot use the Verify an advanced MetaBot output task.