Enterprise 11: Use standard BAPI

Automation Anywhere Enterprise allows you to use SAP standardized BAPIs that provide basic functions and can be used for various SAP business objects.


Ensure that all the prerequisites mentioned in the Using BAPI to automate tasks in SAP are met.

Note: You must use Connect as the first command when you automate an SAP task using BAPI.


  1. Expand the SAP Integration command node and double-click the Run Standard BAPI command.
    The SAP Integration dialog box appears.
  2. Enter a name for the session in the Session Name field.
  3. Click the Select option next to the Select Standard BAPI field.
    The BAPI Explorer dialog box appears. The dialog box lists all the BAPIs that are available for the various SAP modules.
  4. Select the BAPI you want to use from the Select BAPI section.
  5. You can click the Import, Export, and Table tabs, to view the import, export, and table parameters for the BAPI you have selected.
  6. Click OK.
    The selected BAPI is now available in the SAP Integration dialog box.
  7. You can select the Save Output to CSV option, to save the output into a CSV file.
  8. Enter a location where you want to save the file.
  9. Select an option from the Encoding list, to specify the encoding stand you want to apply on the CSV file.
  10. You can select the Append to csv option if you want to append the output to an existing CSV file, and then click Save.