You can also connect to the Control Room using the command prompt.

Log in to multiple Enterprise Client instances hosted in unattended mode on remote terminals, or to create a script that can run whenever you want to log in if a reboot occurs.

Keep the following considerations in mind for the different user logins:
User Description
Non-Active directory The command line must have both username and password.
Active directory The command line must have only the username. If you provide the password, the command line will ignore it because, for Active Directory, login is always through SPNEGO authentication.
SSO Command line login does not work.
The following table lists the command parameters that can be used for logging in:
Parameter Details
/c Control Room login URL

If you do not provide this parameter, the default URL given in the settings file is considered.

/u Bot Creator or Bot Runner user name

When you want to log in to a client in a different domain, enter the user name parameter with the domain name. For example, "/uAAE.Com\Jane.Lee"

/p Bot Creator or Bot Runner password

If you provide the user name parameter, you must also provide the password parameter.

/a Action

For example, /aclose to close the application.

Recommended: Use the close parameter to close the application when you use the password parameter.

/l Login

When you log in to a client that is already active, that active client's session expires and the new logged-in user is invoked with the command prompt. An active task editor session is not terminated.


  1. Run the command prompt in administrator mode.
  2. Enter the following command:
     C:\Windows\System32\"<AAE Installation Path>\Automation Anywhere.exe" "/c<Enterprise Control Room URL>" "/u<Username>" "/p<Password>" "/aclose" "/l<login>"
C:\Windows\system32\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\Client\Automation Anywhere.exe" "/" "/uMike.Williams" "/pAdmin@123" "/aclose" "/llogin"