Use the Scheduled Activity page to activate or deactivate schedules individually or in bulk.


The following permissions are required:

  • View and manage all scheduled activity.
  • View and manage all scheduled activity from my Folders.

For example, you can choose to activate schedules that are inactive to run the automation in bulk. Or you can deactivate multiple schedules during downtime.


  1. Go to Activity > Scheduled
  2. In the Scheduled activity page, select a schedule that is in active status.
    You can also activate multiple schedules by clicking the Activate option above the Activity table.
    Note: The Deactivate or Activate option appears based on the greater number of active or deactivated schedule status.
    • When the number of schedules with Active status is more than the Inactive ones, the Deactivate option is shown.
    • When the number of schedules with Inactive status is more than the Active ones, the Activate option is shown.
  3. Click Deactivate.
    By default, all schedules on this page are in active state. Therefore, the default action is Deactivate. This changes to Activate for a schedule that is deactivated.
    The schedule is deactivated. The status in the Next Occurrence column is displayed as NA and the Status changes to Inactive.