Starting from Version 11.3.5, the Control Room enables you to export or import custom roles and the users associated with the roles.


  • Administrators or users with admin rights can export or import the custom roles and the users associated with the roles.
  • The source and the target Control Room must be running the same version.
    Note: The source and the target Control Room should be of same setup type: SSO with SSO, AD with AD, and non-AD with non-AD.

With this feature, you can use the already created roles and users in your Control Room without manually creating them.

For exporting or importing custom roles and the associated users, consider the following:
  • With custom roles, the role name, role description, two-factor authentication settings for individual roles, and all the associated feature-level permissions are exported and imported.
  • If the SMTP option is disabled in the target Control Room, users exported from the source Control Room where SMTP is enabled will be automatically verified and they can log in to the target Control Room.
  • Bot level permissions , file permissions, and device permissions associated with the role are not exported.
  • If the target Control Room has insufficient user licenses (Bot Creator, and unattended Bot Runner and attended Bot Runner), then users are not imported.
  • The AD security group role mappings are not exported or imported.
  • Multi-factor authentication token values associated with the user are not exported or imported.
  • From an AD or SSO Control Room, only the roles can be exported or imported in a non-AD Control Room, not the associated users.
  • 4500 roles and 4500 users can be exported or imported.


  • Export roles and users
    1. Navigate to Administration > Roles.
    2. In the ALL ROLES page, click Export roles.
      The Export roles & users page appears.
    3. In the Roles tab, select the required custom roles that you want to export.
    4. Optional: Select the Include users check box to export all the users associated with the roles.
      For users, the license assignment information of the users is also exported.
    5. Click Next.
    6. In the PACKAGE SUMMARY tab, enter the Export package name and provide a Password to encrypt the package.
      Note: The password that is set in this step will be used for decryption when importing the package.
      In the Items to export, search or view the roles and the users that are selected to export.
    7. Click Export.
    All the information associated with the exported roles and the users is available for download and import in the target Control Room.
  • Import roles and users
    1. Navigate to Administration > Roles.
    2. In the ALL ROLES page, click Import roles.
    3. The Import roles & users page, browse for the .aaepkg file to import the roles and users.
    4. Enter the same Password that was used for encryption to decrypt the package you want to import.
    5. Click Import.
    All the information associated with the roles and users is imported from the source Control Room to the target Control Room.