Add Logic and local variables to a basic MetaBot

Add MetaBot Logic to define the actions of the MetaBot and how it interacts with other Logic and bots.


Ensure you have added a DLL to the MetaBot: Add a DLL to the MetaBot.

Verify that you have the following access and permissions:


  1. From the Enterprise Client, open the MyApp4 MetaBot .mbot in the My MetaBots list.
  2. In the MetaBot Designer, click the LOGIC tab.
  3. Click Add Logic.
    A Workbench window opens with a tab named NewLogic1. The DLL MyApp4Lib.dll and its classes are displayed.
  4. Click New.
  5. Select MyApp4 MetaBot .mbot and click Create.
  7. Click Add.
  8. In the Add Variable dialog box, select Input from the Parameter Type drop-down list.
  9. Enter MyInputName in the Name field.
  10. Click Save.
    Important: A message window appears stating that the variable has a "null" value. The value does not have to be set now.
  11. Repeat the necessary steps to create the local variable MyMessage:
    • Parameter Type = Output
    • Name = MyMessage
  12. In the Workbench, click Save.
  13. Enter SayHiTo in the Logic Name field.
  14. Click Save.

Next steps

Add variables to the MetaBot Logic created in this task: Manage variables in a basic MetaBot.