Use the Credential Vault API to create, update, and delete attribute values.


By default, all users can create attributes with user-provided values. With additional permissions, a user can create attributes with standard values. See the BOTS section of Enterprise 11: Feature permissions for a role.

Credential attribute URLS

Retrieve all attributes of a specific credential
This URL returns the values of attributes that are configured as "masked": false.
GET http://<your_control_room_url>/v2/credentials/{id}/attributevalues
Path parameter:
Field Required Description
id Required Identifies the credential
Query parameters:
Note: Query parameters can be used only by users with special permissions. See RBAC for Credential Vault credentials management in Enterprise 11.
Field Required Description
credentialAttributeId Optional Identifies the credential attribute
userId Optional Identifies the user; skip this field for credentials that are standard input.
encryptionKey Optional

The RSA public key used to encrypt the value. See Retrieve RSA Public key encoded with Base64..

Response: The response lists all the attributes in the specified credential.
  "list": [
      "id": "string",
      "credentialAttributeId": "string",
      "value": "string",
      "userId": "string",
      "createdBy": "string",
      "createdOn": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "updatedOn": "string",
      "version": "string"
Create a new attribute value for a specific credential
Assign a value to an attribute for an existing credential. Use this URL after you have created a credential. See Create a new credential.
Note: You must either be a credential owner to provide a value for a standard credential, or have access to a credential through a locker.
POST http://<your_control_room_url>/v2/credentials/{id}/attributevalues
Path parameter:
Field Required Description
id Required Identifies the credential
Query parameter:
Field Required Description
encryptionKey Optional

The RSA public key used to encrypt the value. See Retrieve RSA Public key encoded with Base64..

Body parameters:
Field Required Description
credentialAttributeId Required Identifies the attribute
value Required Provides the standard input for the attribute
See Create a new value to a credential attribute.
Update credential attribute value of specific credential
PUT http://<your_control_room_url>/v2/credentials/{id}/attributevalues/{attributeValueId}
Path parameters:
Field Required Description
id Required Identifies the credential
attributeValueId Required Identifies the attribute
Body parameters:
Field Required Description
value Required Provides the standard input for the attribute
version Optional Provides the version number
Query parameter:
Field Required Description
encryptionKey Optional

The RSA public key used to encrypt the value. See Retrieve RSA Public key encoded with Base64..

Delete credential attribute value of specific credential
DELETE http://<your_control_room_url>/v2/credentials/{id}/attributevalues/{attributeValueId}
Path parameters:
Field Required Description
id Required Identifies the credential
attributeValueId Required Identifies the attribute
Successful delete