Using custom workflow
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- Zuletzt aktualisiert2020/05/09
Automation Anywhere Enterprise provides predefined workflows that allow you to create a sales order and update a sales agreement.
Expand the SAP Integration command node and double-click the Run
Custom Workflow command.
The SAP Integration dialog box appears.
- Enter a name for the session in the Session Name field.
Select the workflow you want to run from the Select Custom Workflow list.
The system displays the import, export, and table parameters for the selected workflow in the Import, Export, and Table tabs.
Click View for a parameter to set values for that parameter.
The Parameter Details dialog box appears.
Select an option to specify the source.
Following options are available:
- Set Fixed Values: This option allows you to set fixed values for the parameter.
- Set From Array Variable: This option allows you to use set values from an array variable.
If you have selected the Set Fixed Values option in the above step, you can provide values for the
available fields in the Value column.
Or,If you have selected the Set From Array Variable option, you can select an array variable from the list.
You can also press F2 and select the array variable you want to use.
- Click Save.
- You can select the Save Output to CSV option, to save the output into a CSV file.
- Enter a location where you want to save the file.
- Select an option from the Encoding list, to specify the encoding you want to apply when writing the output to the CSV file.
- You can select the Append to csv option if you want to append the output to an existing CSV file, and then click Save.