Enterprise 11: Configure database type and server

Continue from the Control Room installer to the Database type wizard page. From this stage of the installation wizard you, configure the type of database type, Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Server, to be used for Control Room database.


If you are going to use the Microsoft SQL Server database, create the Control Room and Bot Insight databases before you complete the Control Room installation.

See Enterprise 11 database requirements for the list of Automation Anywhere created databases.


  1. Select the database type for Control Room and Bot Insight.
    Use the same database type for Control Room and Bot Insight.
    • Microsoft SQL Server

      To select this database type, an instance of SQL Server should be already configured.

    • Oracle

      To configure Control Room and Bot Insight database on Oracle instance, select this option and browse for the Oracle v12.1.0.2 JDBC driver on your local machine.

    In Custom mode installation:
    You have the option for non-logged in user.
    Five databases are required: One Control Room and four Bot Insight databases created.

    During installation, you have the option to specify a user, other than the logged on user, for creating and managing the Automation Anywhere Enterprise required databases. This user must have minimum database permissions. The permissions required vary depending upon the Automation Anywhere Enterprise version, and the installation mode selected.

    Database user condition Database required permission Notes
    Custom,Version 11.3.4 or later, Microsoft SQL Server database Can have the minimum database permissions: datareader, datawriter and ddladmin. Microsoft SQL Server database must be created before Control Room installation.
    Custom, Version 11.3.4 or later, Oracle Database Can have the minimum database permissions: GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE, CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW Oracle Database database must be created before Control Room installation.
    Custom, older than Version 11.3.4 Database Owner (DBO) permissions. Databases created during Control Room installation.
  2. If the Oracle v12.1.0.2 JDBC driver is not installed, select the download link based on your connection requirements- secure or non-secure.
  3. Click Next.

    The Database Server page is displayed.

  4. Set connection, authentication, and databases.
    • SQL Server

      This page appears if you select SQL Server for configuring your database.

      • If possible, do not set the value for Database Server as localhost, or the Secure Connection to the database does not work.
      • Do not use Windows authentication if the Control Room and the SQL server are on separate accounts.
      • For Azure installations, the database names for Control Room and Bot Insight must be the same, or installation fails.
      • Click the Browse button to select the SQL server instance where the Control Room database will be created. Alternately, type a database server name or select one from the list.

      Provide the following details:

      Database Port
      Use the default port (1433) or specify a custom value.
      Use Secure Connection
      Select Use Secure Connection to use CA certificate as specified.
      Note: Use the same host name for certificate and database connections.
      This option is enabled when you select secure connection. Browse to select a CA certificate. See Enterprise 11: Import HTTPS and CA certificates for details on how to import this certificate using the command line.
      Windows authentication
      This option is selected by default. This allows for connecting to the SQL Server using Windows authentication.
      Note: If user selects Windows Authentication, then the user running the installer is used to test that the database exists, and create it if necessary, and grant db_owner to the service account user (NT Authority/System). See matrix for creating database, tables, and services in Enterprise 11: Working with SQL Servers.
      Attention: Your Windows authentication password cannot include a space, semicolon (;), percent (%), or backslash (\). Also, the first character cannot be a minus sign (-) or forward slash (/), and you must include at least one alphabetical character. Change your password before the Control Room installation.
      SQL Server authentication
      Select this option to use SQL server Authentication to connect to the database. Provide correct username and password for SQL Authentication.
      Attention: Your SQL Server authentication password cannot include a space, semicolon (;), percent (%), or backslash (\). Also, the first character cannot be a minus sign (-) or forward slash (/), and you must include at least one alphabetical character. Change your password before the Control Room installation.
      Name of Control Room database
      Enter the name for the Control Room database.
      Name of Bot Insight database
      Enter the name for the Bot Insight database. This database is used to store the Bot Insight data.
      Note: The database names cannot be blank, have spaces, or include % (percent character). It is recommended to restrict the names to alphanumeric, period (.), dash (-), and underscore (_).
      If the database (Control Room and or Bot Insight) does not exist, the installer will create one automatically.
      Note: This will not be applicable for Version 11.3.4.
    • Oracle Server

      This page appears if you select Oracle Server for configuring your database.

      Provide the following details:
      Database Server
      Provide the server host name details. The users should have been created in the Oracle database by the system admin before running the installation. See how to create users in Oracle.
      Database Port
      Connect using the default database port (1521) or with a custom port as defined by the system admin.
      Database Instance Name
      Control Room database instance name that was created initially by the system admin.
      Control Room cluster Database Username

      Control Room database username that was created initially by the system admin.

      Control Room cluster Password
      Password of the Control Room database user.
      Attention: Your Oracle Server authentication password cannot include a space, semicolon (;), percent (%), or backslash (\). Also, the first character cannot be a minus sign (-) or forward slash (/), and you must include at least one alphabetical character. Change your password before the Control Room installation.
      SID or Service Name
      Enter either the Oracle Service Identifier (SID) value or the Oracle service name. The specified value is used to identify the Oracle Server to the Automation Anywhere Enterprise cluster.
      Bot Insight Database Username

      Bot Insight database username that was created initially by the system admin.

      Bot Insight Password
      Password of the Bot Insight database user.
      Attention: Your Oracle Server authentication password cannot include a space, semicolon (;), percent (%), or backslash (\). Also, the first character cannot be a minus sign (-) or forward slash (/), and you must include at least one alphabetical character. Change your password before the Control Room installation.
      Use Secure Connection
      Select Use Secure Connection to use CA certificate as specified.
      Note: Use the same host name for certificate and database connections.
      This option is enabled when you select secure connection. Browse to select a CA certificate. See Enterprise 11: Import HTTPS and CA certificates for details on how to import this certificate using the command line.
  5. Click Next to Configure the Bot Insight database.