Request bot status by specifying the id for a bot.


Bot id
The id of a specific bot to track its progress.
Roles and license

You need to authenticate as a user with an Unattended bot runner license.

Use this API to track the progress of a specific bot.
  • URL: http://<your_control_room_url>/v2/activity/list
  • Method: POST
You can filter activities by status in V2 activity list APIs. Refer below the various status values for filtering and their description:
  • DEPLOYED - All automations which are deployed.
  • RUNNING - All automations which are currently running.
  • RUN_PAUSED - All automations which are paused.
  • UPDATE - All automations which are in progress.
  • UNKNOWN - All automations whose status are unknown.
  • COMPLETED - All automations which are completed.
  • RUN_FAILED - All automations which failed during deployment.
  • RUN_ABORTED - All automations which have been manually stopped by the user.
  • RUN_TIMED_OUT - All automations which have been timed out.
  • DEPLOY_FAILED - All automations which failed to deploy.
  • BOTSTORE_PACKAGE_DOWNLOADING - Automations for Bot Store package downloading.
  • BOTSTORE_PACKAGE_EXTRACTING - Automations for Bot Store package extracting.
  • BOTSTORE_PACKAGE_COPYING - Automations for Bot Store package copying.


  1. Add an authentication token to the request header.
    Note: Use the Enterprise 11 Authentication API to generate a JSON Web Token.
  2. Enter the URL for the API http://<your_control_room_url>/v2/activity/list.
  3. Select the POST method.
  4. Enter the following parameters in the request body.
      "filter": {
        "operator": "and",
        "operands": [
      "operator": "eq",
      "value": "6",
      "field": "deviceId"
      "operator": "eq",
      "value": "14",
      "field": "fileId"
    This request filters for all the activity for the bot with the fielId of 14 on the device with the deviceId of 6.
  5. Send the request.
    • In a REST client, click SEND.
    • In the Swagger interface, click Execute.
    Response body:
      "page": {
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 33,
        "totalFilter": 3
      "list": [
          "id": "99f692c6-9ae4-4adb-8d27-0cd5b1b88de8",
          "automationName": "testHelloWorld_19.",
          "fileName": "testHelloWorld.atmx",
          "filePath": "Automation Anywhere\\My Tasks\\testHelloWorld.atmx",
          "type": "TASK",
          "startDateTime": "2019-11-25T18:29:05Z",
          "endDateTime": "2019-11-25T18:29:21Z",
          "command": "Message Box",
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "progress": 100,
          "automationId": "13",
          "userId": "21",
          "deviceId": "6",
          "currentLine": 1,
          "totalLines": 1,
          "fileId": "14",
          "modifiedBy": "4",
          "createdBy": "4",
          "modifiedOn": "2019-11-25T18:29:21.637Z",
          "createdOn": "2019-11-25T18:29:02.541Z",
          "deploymentId": "93457151-7edd-4454-9dfd-35a3f1d96f25",
          "queueName": "",
          "queueId": "",
          "usingRdp": false,
          "message": "",
          "canManage": true,
          "deviceName": "AA-SJ-TerryMartin.AAI.AASPL-BRD.COM",
          "userName": "docs-bot",
          "isMigrated": false,
          "jobUniqueId": "99f692c6-9ae4-4adb-8d27-0cd5b1b88de8",
          "outputVariables": {
            "vMyHelloWorld": {
              "string": "Hello world from a variable"
          "id": "12e24bb7-7e37-4693-8e74-144ac3e6f566",
          "automationName": "testHelloWorld_19.",
          "fileName": "testHelloWorld.atmx",
          "filePath": "Automation Anywhere\\My Tasks\\testHelloWorld.atmx",
          "type": "TASK",
          "startDateTime": "2019-11-25T18:30:36Z",
          "endDateTime": "2019-11-25T18:30:42Z",
          "command": "Message Box",
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "progress": 100,
          "automationId": "14",
          "userId": "21",
          "deviceId": "6",
          "currentLine": 1,
          "totalLines": 1,
          "fileId": "14",
          "modifiedBy": "4",
          "createdBy": "4",
          "modifiedOn": "2019-11-25T18:30:42.260Z",
          "createdOn": "2019-11-25T18:30:33.615Z",
          "deploymentId": "137ed5b1-f573-4757-b890-fc93088e0c5f",
          "queueName": "",
          "queueId": "",
          "usingRdp": false,
          "message": "",
          "canManage": true,
          "deviceName": "AA-SJ-TerryMartin.AAI.AASPL-BRD.COM",
          "userName": "docs-bot",
          "isMigrated": false,
          "jobUniqueId": "12e24bb7-7e37-4693-8e74-144ac3e6f566",
          "outputVariables": {
            "vMyHelloWorld": {
              "string": "Hello world from a variable"
          "id": "9728beaf-6653-46a9-b053-b386b8333199",
          "automationName": "testHelloWorld_19.",
          "fileName": "testHelloWorld.atmx",
          "filePath": "Automation Anywhere\\My Tasks\\testHelloWorld.atmx",
          "type": "TASK",
          "startDateTime": "2019-12-02T17:42:40Z",
          "endDateTime": "2019-12-02T17:42:44Z",
          "command": "Message Box",
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "progress": 100,
          "automationId": "17",
          "userId": "21",
          "deviceId": "6",
          "currentLine": 1,
          "totalLines": 1,
          "fileId": "14",
          "modifiedBy": "4",
          "createdBy": "4",
          "modifiedOn": "2019-12-02T17:42:45.072Z",
          "createdOn": "2019-12-02T17:42:37.591Z",
          "deploymentId": "ba70ed50-2a28-477b-9557-32283f5bba27",
          "queueName": "",
          "queueId": "",
          "usingRdp": false,
          "message": "",
          "canManage": true,
          "deviceName": "AA-SJ-TerryMartin.AAI.AASPL-BRD.COM",
          "userName": "docs-bot",
          "isMigrated": false,
          "jobUniqueId": "9728beaf-6653-46a9-b053-b386b8333199",
          "outputVariables": {
            "vMyHelloWorld": {
              "string": "Hello world from a variable"