Continue from the Control Room installer to the Bot Insight database portion of the Database type wizard page. From this stage of the installation wizard, you configure the database type for the Bot Insight metadata.

  • If the Microsoft SQL Server database was selected for storing Control Room data: select either Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL Server.
  • If the Oracle Server database was selected for storing Control Room data: your only choice is PostgreSQL Server.
  • The database permissions set in Enterprise 11: Configure service credentials are applied to creating the Bot Insight database. Depending on the Automation Anywhere Enterprise version the PostgreSQL Server user or the Microsoft SQL Server user:

    Must have Database Owner (DBO) permissions.


  1. Select either PostgreSQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server database to store metadata for Bot Insight.
    Note: Microsoft SQL Server option is not available with Oracle database.
    • PostgreSQL Server
      Select PostgreSQL Server to establish a Bot Insight metadata database. This is in addition to the Control Room database.
      1. Click Next to configure PostgreSQL Server host name, port, database, username, and password details.
      2. On the Bot Insight PostgreSQL Configurations page, select the check box to install PostgreSQL Server. Clear this option if the PostgreSQL Server is already installed and supply the following:
        Enter the host name for the PostgreSQL Server. The default name is localhost.
        Enter the port number for the PostgreSQL Server. The default Port number is 5432.
        Enter the database name that will be used for Bot Insight. By default, the database name is zoomdata.
        Use Secure Connection
        Select this option if your PostgreSQL Server database uses a secure connection.
        Enter the user name for the PostgreSQL Server database. The default username is postgres.
        Enter the password for the PostgreSQL Server database.
        Attention: Your PostgreSQL Server authentication password must not be blank and it must include only the following special characters; underscore (_), at sign (@), dollar sign ($), and hash tag (#). Other special characters are not supported. Change your password before the Control Room installation.
        Confirm Password
        This is only visible when the Install PostgreSQL option is selected.
      Note: If PostgreSQL Server option is selected, the Host name and Use Secure Connection fields are disabled and set to default values.
    • Microsoft SQL Server

      When you select this option, four databases are created for Bot Insight. You can opt to change the database name. The four databases are:

      The default database for storing Bot Insight metadata.
      BIVisualization-keyset, BIVisualization-scheduler, BIVisualization-upload
      For storing dashboard configuration information
  2. Click Next to complete the Control Room installation process and optionally view the install summary page.