You can uninstall the Java, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Adobe Flex, and Google Chrome plug-ins using various methods on the Enterprise Client.

Use one of these methods to uninstall the plug-ins:


  • From the Enterprise Client application

    You can uninstall the Java, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox plug-ins using this method.

    Adobe Flex plug-in: This method is supported from Version 11.3.4.

    Google Chrome plug-in: This method is supported from Version 11.3.4.

    1. Open the application in Run as administrator mode.
    2. Navigate to Tools > Options > Plugin Settings.
    3. Click the Uninstall link from the Plugin column.
  • From the AAPluginInstallation application

    You can uninstall the Java, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox plug-ins using this method.

    Adobe Flex plug-in: This method is supported from Version 11.3.4.

    Google Chrome plug-in: This method is supported from Version 11.3.4.

    1. Navigate to the Enterprise Client installation path.
      For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\Client.
    2. Launch the AAPluginInstallation application in Run as administrator mode.
    3. Click the Uninstall link from the Plugin column.
  • From the command line

    You can uninstall the Java and Microsoft Edge plug-ins using this method.

    Google Chrome plug-in: This method is supported from Version 11.3.4.

    Adobe Flex plug-in: This method is supported from Version 11.3.3.

    Mozilla Firefox plug-in: This method is supported from Version 11.3.3.

    1. Open the command prompt in Run as administrator mode.
    2. Navigate to the Enterprise Client installation path.
      For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\Client\AAPlugInInstallation.exe.
    3. Enter the command for the specific plug-in:
      Plug-in Command syntax
      Google Chrome AAPlugInInstallation.exe /Chrome
      Mozilla Firefox AAPlugInInstallation.exe /Firefox
      Adobe Flex AAPlugInInstallation.exe /Flex
      Java AAPlugInInstallation.exe /Java
      Microsoft Edge AAPlugInInstallation.exe /edge
    4. Enter one or more parameters:
      Parameter Description Example
      /uninstall Uninstalls the plug-in C:\Program Files (x86)\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\Client\AAPlugInInstallation.exe /Java /uninstall
      /silent Silently uninstalls the plug-in C:\Program Files (x86)\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\Client\AAPlugInInstallation.exe /Java /uninstall /silent
  • From the browser extension (manually)

    Remove the Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge plug-ins manually using the web extensions.

    1. Navigate to the Extensions page.
    2. Click Remove.