View the history of updates to a selected file using Version History. You can also compare and roll back updates, if required.

The version history of a file is shown in descending order of the time stamp when you select a file and right-click to open the Version History window. The latest revision is at the top and the first revision is at the bottom. You can identify the user and the relevant action that was performed during a specific date and time with relevant check-in comments.

View the version history of the selected file from the context menu or actions list. Use Compare to compare two versions of a file, and use Rollback to revert the updates to a specific version.


  1. To compare different files:
    1. In the Version History window, select the Revision No.
    2. Click Compare.
      The Compare window shows the updates to the selected files. You can view the latest version in the window to your right.
    Before you upload any file to the server, compare the latest file that has been updated with the local file to ensure all updates are included. When a file is Checked out for editing, the changes to the file are saved locally.
  2. To revert the changes:
    1. In the Version History window, select the version to which you want the file to revert to.
    2. Click Rollback.
    3. Click Confirm.
    4. Check in (upload) the file after it is reverted to the selected version so that the latest version reflects the updates.
      Ensure the MetaBot Designer window is closed before using the Rollback action on a MetaBot.
      All the changes since the selected version to the latest version are reverted.