When your LDAP user password expires or username is disabled or deleted, the Control Room admin user must reset the credentials to enable you to login to the Enterprise Control Room.

When your LDAP user password expires or username is disabled/deleted, you will not be able to login to the Control Room. In such cases, when a non-admin user tries to login to the Control Room, following error message is shown:

error message during login when active directory credentials have expired.

A Control Room admin user must update the LDAP user's valid credentials after logging into the Control Room.


  1. The admin user must enter credentials to login to the Control Room.
    Ensure that the Username is in the NETBIOS\username format (example, domain.com\john.smith).
    After login the admin user will be directed to update the credentials of the LDAP user.
  2. Enter the Domain username and password.
    Ensure that the Domain username is in the UPN (userPrincipleName) - username@domain.com format. Domain username in domainname\username format is not supported. For example, john.smith@aaspl-brd.com is supported; whereas, aaspl-brd\john.smith is not supported.
    In Version 11.3.2, after entering the username and password in the Change Active Directory configuration page, you can either enter the LDAP URL(s) manually by selecting Manually add connections or chose to Discover connections automatically.