Only an administrator has the permission to copy a role in the Control Room. This ensures that you can create similar roles in the system without having to perform the action manually.


  1. Go to Administration > Roles
  2. For a specific role, hover over the action menu (vertical ellipsis) and select Copy role option.
    Note: System-created roles cannot be copied. These roles are pre-configured during Control Room installation.
    Note: When you copy a user role, two-factor authentication from the role is not copied and has to be manually enabled on the copied role. Enabling Two-factor authentication.
    A new role page is launched, wherein the role is created with "copy" appended to the Role Name. Example: In the previous image, role "HR" is copied, so a new role "HR_copy" is created. All the permissions that were selected are pre-filled in the new role.
  3. Click Create role.
    A success notification is displayed creating a similar role.