Using the Variable Manager
- Zuletzt aktualisiert2021/10/11
The Variable Manager displays the local variables that are defined for a particular task. You can use the Variable Manager to add, modify, and copy variables within automation tasks.
In the Workbench, click the Variable Manager tab on the left side.
Use the Variable Manager to create and manage variables that you use in your tasks. You can perform any of the following actions with variables:
- Copy
- Copy All
- Paste
- Add a new variable
- Edit a variable
- Delete a variable

When you click the Show System Variables link, the Variable Manager details about all system variables that are available for each task.
When you click the Queue Category link, the Select Queue Category form is launched, in which you can select any of the queue categories added by the Queue owner in the Control Room that you are connected with.
When you use the Variable Manager for the first time, you will see that Automation Anywhere provides two pre-defined user variables for your use:
my-list-variable (type: List)
This variable provides a container for a list of values.
Prompt-Assignment (type: Value)
This variable provides a container for a single value.
For a protected bot you cannot:
- Add any new variables or edit existing variable attributes using Add and Edit options.
- Paste variables in the protected bot that are copied from another Task Bot.
- Delete any existing variables using the Delete option.
For a protected bot the Queue Category link in the Variable Manager is disabled.