Notas da versão Automation 360 v.28 Community Edition

Data da versão: 22 de março de 2023

Veja o que há de novo no Community Edition da versão Automation 360 v.28 (Build 17566). Build 17566 substitui a versão 17557.

Importante: Esta versão inclui uma atualização opcional do Agente de bot. Você pode continuar a executar os bots existentes sem atualizar o Agente de bot. No entanto, se quiser usar as novas características na Automation 360 v.28, você deve atualizar o Agente de bot disponível com essa versão.
Para mais informações sobre a atualização para esta versão, veja estes recursos:

Automation Workspace

Workday pacote

You can use the new Workday package from Automation 360 to automate your Workday processes such as reporting, data upload/download, or triggering workflows with our new point-and-click experience. The package provides deep API-level integration with Workday that enables you to build automations easily, without having to code.

Workday pacote

Apigee pacote

You can use the new Disconnect and Resume Integration features in the Apigee package. You can disconnect from your Apigee instance and clear the session using the Apigee Disconnect action. You can resume an integration that is suspended in Apigee using the Apigee Resume Integration action.

Apigee Desconectar | Apigee Retomar integração

Extended attributes supported in the Emulador de terminal Pacote (Service Cloud case ID: 01870633, 01928396, 01809815)

The TN3270E terminal type supports extended attributes. To enable extended attributes for TN3270E terminals, select the Extended Attribute check box in the Connect action.

Enhanced error messages display errors from the child bots (Service Cloud case ID: 01264352)
When you create a bot where the parent bot calls a child bot, and if an error occurs in the child bot, the error message provides the following details:
  • Line number of the parent bot which ran the child bot.
  • Line number of the child bot where the error occurred.
  • Error message details, such as what went wrong with that line number and the corresponding corrective ação.

Como usar Editor de bot

Timeout option in Database Connect ação (Service Cloud case ID: 00753858)

We added a timeout option in the Connect ação of the Banco de dados Pacote. When you connect with Microsoft SQL Server to automate database-related tasks, and if the database is down or experiences any network issues, the automation will time out and fail if the database connection is not established in the specified time.

Como usar a ação Conectar para banco de dados

Improved readability with new formatting capabilities in XML document (Service Cloud case ID: 01886455, 01925386)
When you insert, update, or delete nodes, the XML pacote does not remove carriage return characters between nodes but does remove all blank text nodes from the XML document. By using Prettyprint to format XML files, developers can easily improve the readability of a document. Developers can save time by using the following new options that have been added to the XML Pacote:
  • Use Prettyprint: The Save session data ação supports the Prettyprint format in the XML document. When you select the Use Prettyprint check box and use the Insert node, Update node, or Delete node ações and then save the XML document, the code is formatted with proper indentation as per Prettyprint.
  • Remove text nodes that contain only white space: The Start Session ação provides an option to remove blank text nodes when you parse the XML document.

ação Salvar dados da sessão no XML | ação Iniciar sessão no XML

New features added to the E-mail Pacote (Service Cloud case ID: 01835214, 01846425, 01756713, 01882482)
To support extensive process automation, we added the following action-related features to the E-mail Pacote:
  • Ability to use the Reply All ação.
  • Enhanced the Delete all ação to delete all emails from a specific folder. Additionally, you can apply filter parameters to emails such as:
    • All, Read, and Unread
    • Subject
    • From a specific sender
    • Before, on, or after a received date
  • The dictionary variable for email properties includes a new variable, emailNoOfAttachments, used to retrieve the attachment count.

ação Responder a todos | Exemplo usando ações E-mail em um bot | ação excluir tudo

Automate controls using Microsoft UI Automation (COM) technology
You can use the Microsoft UI Automation (COM) technology to automate the following scenarios:
  • Capture and automate link controls
  • Capture and automate tree controls

Captura utilizando tecnologia específica | Ações realizadas em objetos capturados com Gravador universal

Insert Custom column in Tabela de dados

A new Custom column option has been added to the Data Table > Insert column ação that enables you to insert a new column at a specified index in a data table. When you read an Excel spreadsheet and assign it to a data table, you can modify the table by adding a new column and entering any required data.

Inserir coluna ação

New Label option in Loop pacote

A new Label option has been added to the Loop pacote that enables you to break or continue a specific loop from the nested loops.

Loop pacote

Add and configure If ação conditions

You can add and configure a maximum of 32 conditions in a single If ação.

Improved automation reliability for web applications
When you use the Recorder > Capture ação to automate web pages running on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers, the Recorder > Capture ação no longer scrolls down the web page if the target object is visible on the screen. This feature improves the user experience and reliability of automation when there is a fixed top pane on the web page and if some physical actions such as mouse clicks do not work as expected.
Nota: Ensure that you install the browser extension (version and use the Gravador pacote (version 2.10.2) to capture the control.
Preferred view retained as default view in the Editor de bot

As a bot developer, you no longer have to manually select the preferred view when you open the Editor de bot. To improve the developer's productivity and user experience, when creating bots in the Editor de bot, your preferred view (List, Flow, or Dual) in the Editor de bot will persist across user sessions and browsers. When you navigate in the Control Room or after your next log in, the Editor de bot will retain your last used or selected view.

Como usar Editor de bot

Line markers for collapsible sections of code in the Editor de bot

When you create bots using Loop, If/If-else, Step, Trigger-loop, Try, Catch, and Finally statements, the Editor de bot clearly shows the collapsible sections. When building automations, developers can use these visual indicator line markers at the beginning and end of the collapsible section to improve their productivity.

Nota: The visual indicator line marker for the collapsible section applies only to the List view in the Editor de bot.

Como usar Editor de bot

O que foi alterado
Improved secure registration for Community Edition or Automation 360 users

When a user registers for the Community Edition or Automation 360 account, the registration email sent to the user contains a temporary registration link used to create the user credentials. This registration method is more secure than sending the user their password in plain text.

Automation Co-Pilot para usuários corporativos

Botões de ação estacionários

Ao preencher os formulários em Automation Co-Pilot, os botões de ação são posicionados no rodapé fixo do formulário. O rodapé e o seu conteúdo respondem ao tamanho da sua janela e ajustam-se para caber botões e minimizar o tamanho.

Adicionar tarefa de formulário a uma automação de processo

Os formulários melhoraram a capacidade de resposta devido a esta nova geração na tecnologia de renderização de formulários.

Automação de documentos

O que foi alterado
Importante: Os Community Edition usuários do novo Community Edition terão acesso a Automação de documentos e não IQ Bot

A partir de Automation 360 v.27 lançamento e mais tarde, apenas Automação de documentos serão provisionados para novos utilizadores Community Edition . Novos utilizadores não terão IQ Bot permissões, no entanto, IQ Bot estarão disponíveis para utilizadores existentes, registados.