View automation of a queue

Use the View activity in progress page to view the automation details of the selected queue, Pause, Resume, or Stop the in-progress automation.


You must have the following permissions to view automation of a queue:
  • Queue Consumer or Queue Participant rights
  • Manage everyone's In progress activity feature permission
  • View and manage all scheduled activity from my folders activity permission (if you have access to the folder which has the WLM bot)
  • View and manage all scheduled activity permission (if you do not have access to the folder which has the WLM bot)
  • Though the View automation page is accessible from the Workload module, the page is launched from the Activity module.
  • You cannot Pause/Resume or Stop actions directly from the Activity > In progress page. For these actions, the Manage > Queues > View automation action is used.
  • Bots that are in the Queued status do not appear automatically on the In progress activity page. You must click the Refresh table button on the top-right corner of the activity table to view the queued bots.


  1. Log in to the Control Room as administrator.
  2. Go to ManageQueues.
  3. Hover over a queue with the In use status.
  4. Click the Ações menu (vertical ellipsis) and select View automation.
    This launches the Activity > Run bot with queue > View page.
  5. Choose one of the following options to manage the queue:
    Automation details of the queue
    • The Bot name, path, dependencies, and if it requires administrative privileges to run in the Task Bot tab.
    • The Queue used to run the automation in the Queue tab.
    • Bot Runner details such as username, device, and user status in the Run as tab.
    • Details of the device pool in use to run the automation in the Device pool tab.
    • Details such as number of work items that were active, failed, pending, or completed processing in the Run history tab.
    Transfer ownership Automation creator or a user associated with Manage ALL queues role can transfer the ownership of the WLM automation to another user.
    However, the new owner must have the following permissions:
    • Schedule my bots to run permission on the bot and its dependencies.
    • Consumer access on the queue
    • Consumer access on the device pool (on which the WLM automation is created)
    • Access to the Run-as users
    • All the privileges required for Run a bot with queue.

      For more information, see Usar Executar com fila.

    Pause The system pauses the distribution of work items from this queue to available bot runners in the device pool.
    Nota: Until you resume this automation, any work items with Ready to Run status from this queue are not sent for processing.
    Resume The system starts distributing the work items from this queue.
    Nota: Bots will fail to deploy if the WLM automation is paused and resumed when Bot Runners are mapped one-on-one with their default (single user) devices with Run on bot running devices option selected and one or more devices in the selected device pool is disconnected while the WLM automation is in paused state.
    • The system stops distributing the work items from the queue associated with this automation.
    • Select No, cancel to return to the details page or Yes, stop to stop the work item processing and return to the Queues page.
    Edit Update the automation details such as processing time, queue, and device pool.

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