Connect from Enterprise Client

After you successfully log in and connect to the Automation Anywhere Control Room from the Enterprise Client, the username and other details are displayed in the status bar.


  1. Provide the Control Room access URL.
    From Client Login, provide the Control Room service URL in the field provided. A single Enterprise Client might connect to more than one Control Room.
    Note: When you provide the Control Room URL, the Windows authentication mode is selected by default. To change the domain, select the User Credentials Authentication option.
    If an Access Manager Reverse Proxy such as the IBM WebSEAL is configured between the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client and Control Room, enter the Reverse Proxy server URL instead of the Control Room access URL.
  2. Provide authentication details: Select Windows, Single Sign-On or User Credentials.
    Note: To log in to the Control Room through a different set of user credentials, click Tools→ Re-login from the Start menu.
When trying to connect to the Control Room URL, sometimes you might see a Bad Gateway error or you might experience frequent disconnects of the Enterprise Client from the Control Room. For information about how to resolve these issues, see the following articles: