Delete a user

You can delete or remove a user from the Control Room.

Administrators can use this feature in scenarios when a user account is no longer associated with the organization or when a user is no longer required in the Control Room.

Before you delete a user account from the Control Room:
  • Review all the dependencies, such as automations, credentials, device pools, or lockers associated with that user.
  • Administrators should ensure that all the in-progress development of automation activities are checked-in.
When you delete a user account from the Control Room:
  • Automations that were in queue or scheduled (unattended) are removed from the In progress activity page.
  • Automations that were initiated or in-progress will complete.
  • When a user who is a device pool owner is deactivated or deleted from Control Room, all other owners of the device pool or the users who have the Administer ALL device pools permission are notified. In the notification email, the user can click the provided link to access and view the device pool associated with the deactivated or deleted account.
  • When a user who is a locker or credential owner is deleted from Control Room, all other owners of the locker or credential or the users who have the Administer ALL Lockers permission are notified. If no user has the Administer ALL Lockers permission, then the alert will be sent to users, who have permission of User management permissions.
When you delete a user account, appropriate alerts are sent using the following methods:
  • User notifications
  • E-mail notification: In Control Room if SMTP is enabled, an email notification is received on the registered email address.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Users.
  2. Select the user you want to delete.
  3. Click the action menu (vertical ellipsis) and select Delete user option. You see the following alert displayed, click Delete to confirm.
  4. You can also select multiple roles and click Delete checked items at the top to remove multiple role. You see the following alert displayed, click Delete to confirm.