Create AI Skill: with 기술 자료에 기반함 모델 연결
- 최종 업데이트2024/10/31
Create AI Skill: with 기술 자료에 기반함 모델 연결
This is the next logical step after creating a 기술 자료에 기반함 모델 연결. You would create an AI Skill: and connect it to a Grounded 모델 연결 from Amazon Bedrock.
A Pro Developer creates AI Skill: so the Bot Creators can use these in their automations and save time and effort.
AI Skill: are created by connecting to 모델 연결 the Pro Developer has access to, and fine-tuning prompts by testing them with different foundational models to find the best response that addresses the business ask. These AI Skill: are made available to developers for use and reuse to help accelerate creating automations across solutions.
전제 조건
- Role: AAE_Basic, Pro Developer Custom role
- Permission: Bot Creator
See AI 도구에 대한 역할과 권한
Other requirements:
Besides the roles and permissions the Pro Developer must be connected to a Bot 에이전트 22.60.10 and later. As part of testing the 모델 연결, you would have to run the 봇 on your desktop. Hence ensure the Bot 에이전트 is configured to your user. If you have to switch connection to a different Control Room, see: Control Room 인스턴스 간 기기 등록 전환.
다음 단계
After creating an AI Skill:, check it into the Public folder. This will let the Pro Developer, and Citizen Developer use it from the AI Skill: package in the production environment.
A Task Bot, with one or multiple embedded AI Skill: can be added to a larger automation that would run a complete workflow scenario. You would create such a workflow in a Process Composer.
See AI 거버넌스.
As the next step in your sequence of tasks, go to Task Bot에 AI Skill: 사용 and use the AI Skill: in an automation.