Configure Automation Anywhere for Salesforce callback integration
- 최종 업데이트2023/08/09
Configure Automation Anywhere for Salesforce callback integration
Callback describes retrieving bot output directly from the bot execution. In this case, the Automation Anywhere for Salesforce connector allows you to receive bot output data in Salesforce and map that data to the Salesforce object type of your choosing.
This task describes setting up security, authorizations, and integration between Automation Anywhere Enterprise and Salesforce APIs bridging successful communication between the two platforms specifically relating to bot callback data. To properly complete this procedure, perform the following sequence:
Create and note a certificate to apply later during the security steps.
Set up authorization of the API for a new Connected App.
Create and enable a custom Permission Set for your Connected App. This custom permission set allows Automation Launcher users to run bots with the callback operation.
Edit the policies for the newly Connected App.
Apply your certificate and Consumer Key in your App settings.
Customize your Remote Site settings.
Next steps
Automation Anywhere for Salesforce permissions and web components