Workload overview
- Updated: 2020/09/28
Use the Workload Management page to divide your automations into small, yet logical work items. Process them simultaneously to ensure that time-based Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are met with optimum resource utilization. Additionally, integrate with a chat application to share the outcome of workload automation with your organization's customers.
Use Workload Management to configure Automation Anywhere Enterprise for effective automatic distribution of workload to workload processors (Bot Runners or human) for best optimization of resources, performance, and productivity levels to meet the corporate SLAs.
Before you begin, ensure you have the AAE_Admin, AAE_Queue_Admin, and AAE_Pool_Admin privileges to create and manage workload queues, manage workload SLAs, work with workload APIs, and retrieve workload outcome details using your organization's chat application.To learn more, search for the Divide And Conquer: Prioritize Automation To Meet Dynamic Workload course in Automation Anywhere University: RPA Training and Certification (A-People login required).
For workload automation, do the following:
- Step 1: Create and manage workload queues
- A queue is one of the main building blocks of Workload Management. A queue consists of a logical group of work items that are processed for automation by individual Bot Runners from a pool based on priority selected in the device pool and sort criteria configured in the queue.
- Step 2: Manage workload SLAs
- Estimate the device pool size or time required to process a given queue size from the Workload Service Level Agreement (SLA) page.
- Step 3: Add work items using APIs (optional)
- Use the Workload Management API to add or insert data for work items in an existing queue in your Control Room.
- Step 4: List all work items in a queue (optional)
- Automation Anywhere provides a REST API that enables you to retrieve a list of work items in a given queue.