Using Advanced Settings
- Updated: 2020/05/11
The Advanced settings option enables you to customize mouse controls, keystrokes, screen captures, system and debug logs when you record a bot, and configure the proxy server settings for the web services commands. These settings are updated from .
Advanced settings for recording
- Record Mouse Moves
- Select this option to record the mouse moves that have application-specific meaning. For example, application menus.
- Record Mouse Clicks
- Select this option to record the mouse clicks.
- Record Keystrokes
- Select this option to record keystrokes.
- Capture Screen-shots While Recording
- Select this option to capture and display images of the screenshot when you record bots.
Advanced settings for application location
- Application Path
- Use this option to specify a different application path.
The default application path is the Automation Anywhere Files folder under My Documents. The application path can be set to a local drive or to a network path. The network path could be a mapped drive as well.
To set up an application path, ensure that:- It is unique and not shared between users.
- It is accessible at all times.
- Users have read and write privileges for the application path.
When changing this location, all the tasks are saved in the new location. The new path takes effect when you restart the Enterprise Client.
- After changing the application path, all the triggers, hotkeys, and scheduled bots run as normal.
- However, if the domain name changes, manually update the application path.
- If a network drive is specified, the speed of the bots is determined based on the network speed.
Advanced settings for editing and logging
- Edit Task on double-click in Task List
- Enable this option to change the default setting. By default, a double-click on a Task Bot runs or executes the Task Bot.
- Enable System Logging
- System logs show all the client activities.
- Enable Debug Logging
- To debug errors that appear in Automation Anywhere and related services, choose to
enable the logs during task execution (the status bar of the application indicates
debug logging is enabled).
- When debug logging is enabled, all Debug, Info, Warning, Error and Fatal logs are saved.
- When debug logging is disabled, only Error and Fatal logs along with a maximum of 256 lines of buffered data of the recently raised Warning and Info logs are saved.
Note: By default, the system stores a maximum of ten log files of 1 MB each. The system overwrites the existing log entries when this limit is reached.If there are different log configuration files for the applications and services, then the Enable Debug Logging check box is set to an Indeterminate state and the system displays a Debug logging enabled message on the status bar.
The following table shows the different states of the Enable Debug Logging check box when you enable and disable the debug logging.Services Applications State Description Debug logging is enabled Debug logging is enabled The check box is set to selected when Debug logging is enabled. Debug logging is disabled Debug logging is enabled The check box is set to indeterminate when debug logging is different for applications and services, or if another user edits the log configuration file. Debug logging is enabled Debug logging is disabled The check box is set to indeterminate when debug logging is different for applications and services, or if another user edits the log configuration file. Debug logging is disabled Debug logging is disabled The check box is cleared when debug logging is not enabled for both applications and services. Note: If the debug log file is accidentally deleted, the system creates a new file using the default settings when the Client applications are started or when you make any updates on the Options screen.If the debug log file is corrupt, the system takes a backup of the existing file with the filename <originalFileName>_Date_Time_backup.xml and replaces it with the default log file when any application starts or if Options is accessed. - Clear Logs
- Use this to delete all the application logs. Clearing the logs do not delete the
service logs that are common for all users. To delete the service logs, delete
them manually from the public documents\Enterprise Client Files\LogFiles
folder. Note: The logs for applications that are running are not cleared. To clear the application logs, close all the running applications and manually delete all the files in Application Path\LogFiles folder.
- Export Logs
- To export logs to this folder:
- Create a new folder or select an existing folder.
- Click Select Folder.
Advanced settings for proxy server
- Proxy Server Settings (For Web Service)
- These are applicable for REST and SOAP web service commands. If the environment
uses a proxy server, specify a Host Name or IP
Address, and a Port Number that is active
and within the 0 through 65535 range.Important: The restriction on using a Port number from 1023 and above is removed from Version 11.3.3.