Configuring Web Recorder Settings
- Updated: 2019/08/09
To automate web enabled tasks, configure the Web Recorder settings from Tools→Options→Web Recorder Settings.
- Recorder Settings
- Record on Mouse Down
- Select to record a task with the help of Web Recorder using mouse down event (i.e. while scrolling).
- Runtime Settings
- Internet Explorer Timeout
- Define the time (in seconds) for the Internet Explorer browser to wait before the required page uploads. The maximum time out allowed is 240 seconds.
- Parallel Threads to Find Broken Links
- Input the number of broken links that can be processed at a time. Default is set at 10.
- Find Broken Links Time Out
- Use this to allow the web recorder to wait for the 'Broken Link' to exist. Default is set at 10.
- General Settings
- Launch Internet Explorer as a Process
- Enable this option while recording in stringent security environments.