A user with locker admin or manage my locker permission is authorized to create a locker. A locker can be used to group similar credentials and share it with other users.


You must have created one or more user-defined roles so that you can assign Locker consumers.
To create a locker, follow the steps mentioned below:


  1. Go to Bots > Credentials
  2. In My Lockers tab, click Create locker.
    The Create locker page is displayed.
  3. Enter locker name and locker description.
  4. Enter Credentials.
    Shows the available credentials owned by the user. You can select one or multiple credentials from the list and add it to the locker.
    If email notification setting is enabled and credentials are added to a locker, then all the locker consumers shall receive an email. Learn more
  5. Add Owners.
    A locker owner can edit, view, delete a locker and can add or remove other owners. Also, an owner can be a locker consumer but cannot be a manager or participant within the same locker.
    Note: You must have the View user basic permission to view information about other users to add them as locker owners.
  6. Enter Managers.
    A locker manager has access to all the functionality like a locker owner, but they do not have permission to add owners, managers, or participants to the locker. Disabled users cannot be selected as locker managers if they were already selected as owners in the previous tab.
    Note: You must have the View user basic permission to view information about other users to add them as locker managers.
  7. Add Participants.
    A locker participant has access to view a locker and participants can also add their own credentials to a locker. A locker participant does not have access or visibility of credentials created by other users.
    Note: You must have the View user basic permission to view information about other users in order to add them as locker participants.
  8. Add Consumers.
    You must select one or more roles. The users belonging to these selected roles are the consumers of the lockers. These users have access to view a locker and input credential value.
    System-created roles are not displayed in the consumer list.
    If the credential type is:
    • Standard: Locker consumers can view the locker and all the credentials inside the locker. They are able to use credentials in the locker when running a bot. All consumers see the same credential value set by the credential owner.
    • User-provided: Locker consumers can input their information in user-provided credentials with user-provided attributes (i.e. credential value). Consist of same usability as Standard credential.
  9. Click Create locker.
    If email notification setting is enabled, all locker consumers receive an email to edit the credential value if the credential type is user-provided.